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Search results 81..90 of 186 for: table

The sqlite3_update_hook() interface registers a callback function with the database connection identified by the first argument to be invoked whenever a row is updated, inserted or deleted in a rowid table. Any callback set by a previous call to this ... 
6. Querying the database schema  ... For example, to see a list of the tables in the database, you can enter ".tables". sqlite> .tables tbl1 tbl2 sqlite> The ".tables" command is similar to setting list mode then executing the following query: SELECT name FROM ... 
PRAGMA table_list PRAGMA table_list; PRAGMA schema.table_list; PRAGMA table_list(table-name); This pragma returns information about the tables and views in the schema, one table per row of output. The table_list pragma first appeared in SQLite version 3.37.0 (2021-11 ... 
C API: Prepared Statement Status
 ... For example, if the number of table steps greatly exceeds the number of table searches or result rows, that would tend to indicate that the prepared statement is using a full table scan rather than an index. This interface is ... 
SQLite Unlock-Notify API
 ... Before writing to a table, a write (exclusive) lock must be obtained on that table. Before reading, a read (shared) lock must be obtained. A connection releases all held table locks when it concludes its transaction. If a connection cannot ... 
Profiling SQL Queries
2. Simple Cases - Rows, Loops and Cycles  ... CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft USING fts5(text); CREATE TABLE t1(a, b); CREATE TABLE t2(c INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, d); Then, after first executing ".scanstats on": sqlite3> SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t2.c=t1.a; <...query results...> ... 
 ... For example, suppose you wanted undo/redo on a class (table) that looks like this: CREATE TABLE ex1(a,b,c); Triggers to record changes to table EX1 might look like this: CREATE TEMP TRIGGER ex1_it AFTER INSERT ON ex1 ... 
 ... Syntax The CREATE INDEX command consists of the keywords "CREATE INDEX" followed by the name of the new index, the keyword "ON", the name of a previously created table that is to be indexed, and a parenthesized list of table ... 
 ... Once removed, the trigger definition is no longer present in the sqlite_schema (or sqlite_temp_schema) table and is not fired by any subsequent INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements. Note that triggers are automatically dropped when the associated table is dropped. This ... 
C API: Declared Datatype Of A Query Result
sqlite3_column_decltype(), sqlite3_column_decltype16()
 ... If this statement is a SELECT statement and the Nth column of the returned result set of that SELECT is a table column (not an expression or subquery) then the declared type of the table column is returned. If the ... 


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