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Search results 51..60 of 186 for: table

SQLite FTS5 Extension
9.4. The Table Contents (%_content table) CREATE TABLE %_content(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, c0, c1...); The actual table content - the values inserted into the FTS5 table, is stored in the %_content table. This table is created with one "c*" column for each column of the FTS5 ... 
C API: Last Insert Rowid
Each entry in most SQLite tables (except for WITHOUT ROWID tables) has a unique 64-bit signed integer key called the "rowid". The rowid is always available as an undeclared column named ROWID, OID, or _ROWID_ as long as those ... 
 ... INSERT INTO table VALUES(...); The first form (with the "VALUES" keyword) creates one or more new rows in an existing table. If the column-name list after table-name is omitted then the number of values inserted into each row ... 
 ... Triggers are automatically dropped when the table that they are associated with (the table-name table) is dropped. However if the trigger actions reference other tables, the trigger is not dropped or modified if those other tables are dropped or ... 
Database File Format
2.6.3. The sqlite_sequence table The sqlite_sequence table is an internal table used to help implement AUTOINCREMENT. The sqlite_sequence table is created automatically whenever any ordinary table with an AUTOINCREMENT integer primary key is created. Once created, the sqlite_sequence table exists in the sqlite_schema table ... 
Full-Featured SQL
 ... Tables, indexes, triggers, and views in unlimited quantity Up to 32K columns in a table and unlimited rows Multi-column indexes Indexes can use DESC and COLLATE Partial indexes Indexes On Expressions Clustered indexes Covering indexes CHECK, UNIQUE, NOT NULL ... 
The WITH Clause
 ... A WITH clause can contain ordinary common table expressions even if it includes the RECURSIVE keyword. The use of RECURSIVE does not force common table expressions to be recursive. 3. Recursive Common Table Expressions A recursive common table expression can ... 
C API: The pre-update hook.
sqlite3_preupdate_hook(), sqlite3_preupdate_old(), sqlite3_preupdate_count(), sqlite3_preupdate_depth(), sqlite3_preupdate_new(), sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite()
 ... The preupdate hook only fires for changes to real database tables; the preupdate hook is not invoked for changes to virtual tables or to system tables like sqlite_sequence or sqlite_stat1. The second parameter to the preupdate callback is a pointer ... 
 ... The SQLITE_SCHEMA table is automatically updated by commands like CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, DROP TABLE, and DROP INDEX. Temporary tables do not appear in the SQLITE_SCHEMA table. Temporary tables and their indices and triggers occur in another special table named ... 
Syntax Diagrams For SQLite
 ... Used by:   common-table-expression   create-table-stmt   create-trigger-stmt   create-view-stmt   expr   insert-stmt   sql-stmt   table-or-subquery   ... 


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