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Search results 41..50 of 186 for: table

3. Limitations  ... rowid tables for which the rowid is inaccessible; or tables which have no explicit primary key. Given the --changeset option, sqldiff omits them from the comparison. Examples of such tables are: CREATE TABLE NilChangeset ( -- inaccessible rowid due to hiding its ... 
The RBU Extension
2.2.3. Using RBU with FTS3/4 Tables Usually, an FTS3 or FTS4 table is an example of a virtual table with a rowid that works like a PRIMARY KEY. So, for the following FTS4 tables: CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft1 USING fts4(addr, text); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft2 ... 
SQLite Foreign Key Support
5. CREATE, ALTER and DROP TABLE commands This section describes the way the CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and DROP TABLE commands interact with SQLite's foreign keys. A CREATE TABLE command operates the same whether or not foreign key constraints are enabled. The parent key definitions of ... 
Database Object Name Resolution
In SQLite, a database object (a table, index, trigger or view) is identified by the name of the object and the name of the database that it resides in. Database objects may reside in the main database, the temp database ... 
List of SQLite Syntax Diagrams aggregate-function-invocation alter-table-stmt analyze-stmt attach-stmt begin-stmt column-constraint column-def column-name-list comment-syntax commit-stmt common-table-expression compound-operator compound-select-stmt conflict-clause create-index ... 
1.2. Creating and Destroying FTS Tables Like other virtual table types, new FTS tables are created using a CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement. The module name, which follows the USING keyword, is either "fts3" or "fts4". The virtual table module arguments may be left empty, in which ... 
sqlite3_get_table(), sqlite3_free_table()
 ... A result table might consist of one or more memory allocations. It is not safe to pass a result table directly to sqlite3_free(). A result table should be deallocated using sqlite3_free_table(). As an example of the result table format, suppose ... 
SQLite Autoincrement
3. The AUTOINCREMENT Keyword  ... The sqlite_sequence table is created automatically, if it does not already exist, whenever a normal table that contains an AUTOINCREMENT column is created. A row in the sqlite_sequence table corresponding to the table with the AUTOINCREMENT column is created the ... 
 ... If a schema name is given as the argument, then all tables and indices in that one database are analyzed. If the argument is a table name, then only that table and the indices associated with that table are analyzed ... 
 ... The "target" table is the specific table that is being updated. With UPDATE-FROM you can join the target table against other tables in the database in order to help compute which rows need updating and what the new values ... 


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