All significant changes are mentioned in the "changes" log of the documentation.
New code complies with style guidelines.
New code complies with design rules.
Comments have been updated to reflect code changes.
Verify that the azProhibitedFunctions list in the safeModeAuth() function of the CLI is complete and up-to-date.
Variables and functions have been renamed to reflect changes in their use.
Check all calls to sqlite3OsRead() and sqlite3OsWrite() to ensure that offset computations are 64-bit clean.
Check all calls to memory allocation routines to ensure that size computations are 64-bit clean. Suggested regular expression for search: /(Re|M)alloc[FORZa-z]*(/
Verify that source code contains no tabs characters.
Verify that the list of APIs exposed via the extension header is up-to-date (sqlite3ext.h).
Significant compile-time options are recognized by the sqlite3_compileoption_used() interface.
Compare sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h against the previous release.
Documentation review:
Latest release on the "index.html" page.
Release announcement in "".
Release accouncement in "news.html".
No unresolved hyperlinks in the documentation build.
The compile-time options are all up-to-date (compile.html).
Database footprint is up-to-date (features.html).
Test metrics are up-to-date (testing.html).
Check new/changed documentation for spelling and gramatical mistakes.
Compiler warning checks.
Linux GCC -Wall -Wextra (the "tool/" script)
Mac OS X GCC -Wall -Wextra (the "tool/" script)
CFLAGS='-O0' ./configure --enable-debug --enable-all && scan-build make sqlite3
OMIT, ENABLE, and DISABLE options:
Recent compile-time options have been added to the omittest.tcl and omittest-msvc.tcl scripts and checked in.
tclsh tool/omittest.tcl ← on Linux
tclsh tool/omittest-msvc.tcl ← on Windows
Tests for platform Linux x86_64:
./configure && make verify-source releasetest
sh tool/ - no incorrect exports or dependencies
./configure --enable-debug --enable-all && make parse.c && CC=clang CFLAGS='-fsanitize=address,undefined' make -e test
Test the reuse-schema branch with ./configure --enable-all && make "OPTS=-DSQLITE_ENABLE_SHARED_SCHEMA" sdevtest
CC=clang CFLAGS='-fsanitize=thread' ./configure && make threadtest5 && ./threadtest5
Run auxiliary test script in the /usr subdirectory of the TH3 repository
Verify that the SQLITE_HAVE_SQLITE3R is needed when building the CLI using sqlite3r.c: ./configure --enable-all && make sqlite3r.c shell.c && gcc -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB -DSQLITE_HAVE_SQLITE3R sqlite3r.c shell.c -ldl -lpthread && ./a.out '' .recover
From a read-only source tree: $SRC/configure && make devtest
In sibling th3 checkout: make releasetest
In sibling th3 checkout: tclsh multitest.tcl --scenario coverage
In sibling th3 checkout: tclsh multitest.tcl --scenario failures - all failures detected
Tests for platform Linux ARM (RaspberryPI)
./configure && make verify-source devtest
In sibling TH3 checkout: make devtest
Tests for platform MacOS x64:
./configure && make verify-source releasetest
In sibling TH3 checkout: make devtest
In sibling TH3 checkout: tclsh multitest.tcl --scenario failures - all failures detected
Tests for platform MacOS ARM:
./configure && make verify-source releasetest. Optionally add --enable-test-status to configure
In sibling TH3 checkout: make releasetest
Tests for platform MacOS (PPC):
.selftest checks (see below)
Build sqlite3_rsync. Use it to sync a Fossil repo from a little-endian machine then verify that the synced repo is correct. This demonstrates that databases are x-platform between big- and little-ending systems.
Recompile and test Fossil.
Tests for platform Windows (32-bit):
Review the "32-bit Builds" section of doc/ for accuracy and completeness. Ensure that your build environment is set up correctly. You probably want:
Verify that EXEs and DLLs generated using MSVC contain the correct version number, product name, description, and copyright as resources.
Tests for platform Windows (64-bit):
Review the first part of doc/ for correctness. Ensure that the local build environment is correct, especially the TCLDIR variable.
Create a new temporary directory. Call it $tempdir.
fossil clean -x && ./configure && make install DESTDIR=$tempdir
Verify correct installation using tree $tempdir
On an F2FS filesystem with the F2FS_FEATURE_ATOMIC_WRITE feature, test with: $TOP/configure && make test OPTS="-DSQLITE_ENABLE_BATCH_ATOMIC_WRITE -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC". Check that test script "atomic2.test" really did run, and did not report "No f2fs atomic-batch-write support. Skipping tests...".
Performance tests using speedtest1 --testcase mix1 speedtest.db
compared against prior releases.
See the header comment on test/speedtest1.c
for guidance on how to compile the latest speedtest1.c against historical amalgamations.
Run make wordcount and do tests on current and prior versions:
Compare performance to the previous release using kvtest.
Verify database file format compatibility:
Build the CLI ("sqlite3" or "sqlite3.exe")
Have ready a check-out of the Fossil repository
containing the test databases in sibling directory "../dbs".
Start the CLI.
.cd ../dbs
.read selftest.txt
Verify that all tests pass.
iBook PPC
Linux x64
Linux ARM
Mac x64
Windows 32-bit
Windows 64-bit
Verify that the amalgamation builds are byte-for-byte identical on all workstation platforms.
Linux (x64)
Linux (ARM)
Mac (x64)
Mac (PPC)
Mac (ARM)
Windows using NMAKE.
Verify that databases (including FTS3 and RTREE databases), rollback journals, and WAL files created by the release candidate are readable and writeable by historical versions of SQLite (as long as no unsupported features are used) and vice versa.
Build and verify correct operation of sqlite3_analyzer on:
Build and verify sqldiff
Build and verify sqlite3_rsync
Build the "atrc" test program and run "./atrc $DB | ./sqlite3 $DB" against multiple databases, visually verify the result
Run the rbu/run_rbu_tests.tcl script in the test-dbs project on Linux.
Verify that the "sqlite3-all.c" build target works and that the resulting "sqlite3-all.c" file and its include files ("sqlite3-?.c") compile and run the same as the single-file amalgamation.
Website built procedures
Compile-time options for build products have been updated as necessary