
Release Checklist for SQLite 3.38.0
2022-02-22 18:54:12 drhok
3. Documentation review:
2022-02-22 18:54:10 drhok
3c. Release accouncement in "news.html".
2022-02-22 18:54:07 drhok
3i. Check new/changed documentation for spelling and gramatical mistakes.
2022-02-22 18:39:42 drhok
38. Website built procedures
2022-02-22 18:39:27 drhok
23. Amalgamation autoconf tarball.
2022-02-22 18:39:24 drhok
23d. Works on Windows MinGW
2022-02-22 18:39:18 drhok
24. TEA archive builds correctly and runs:
2022-02-22 18:39:15 drhok
24d. Windows MSVC
2022-02-22 18:24:32 drhok
23e. Works on Windows MSVC
2022-02-22 18:20:42 drhok
15. Dbsqlfuzz tests
2022-02-22 18:20:39 drhok
15i. Win10/MSVC: fuzzcheck $CORPUS -spinner
2022-02-22 18:05:13 danok
38d. All build products work on their target platforms
Shell, analyzer and sqldiff do.
2022-02-22 14:01:01 danok
38c. Compile-time options for build products have been updated as necessary
products_build.sh and the Android makefiles both updated to remove an old -D symbol. But there are no necessary changes for this release.
2022-02-22 13:56:29 danok
38b. tools/mkmsvcmin.tcl has been run to update the MSVC makefiles in autoconf
Running it now is a noop - $TOP/autoconf/Makefile.msc is up to date with respect to $TOP/Makefile.msc/
2022-02-22 13:05:09 drhok
16. Sqllogictest:
2022-02-22 13:05:06 drhok
16d. tclsh run-all.tcl - on windows
0 errors out of 11879758 tests and 1244 invocations in 2075 seconds
2022-02-22 12:47:28 drhok
14. Trunk changes merged and verified on active branches:
2022-02-22 12:47:26 drhok
14d. begin-concurrent-pnu-wal2 (from wal2)
2022-02-22 12:47:24 drhok
14c. wal2 (from trunk)
2022-02-22 12:47:22 drhok
14b. begin-concurrent-report (from begin-concurrent-pnu)
2022-02-22 12:47:19 drhok
14a. begin-concurrent (from trunk)
2022-02-22 12:46:53 drhok
30. Verify that the performance and size measurement spreadsheet in the documentation (misc/speed-size-graph.ods) is up-to-date.
2022-02-22 12:43:20 drhok
28. Compare performance to the previous release using kvtest.
2022-02-22 12:43:17 drhok
28b. Mac
2022-02-22 12:38:17 drhok
24c. Mac OS X
2022-02-22 12:35:43 drhok
23c. Works on Mac OS X.
2022-02-22 12:34:15 drhok
24b. Linux
2022-02-22 12:34:12 drhok
24a. Verify that the SQLite version number is correct in autoconf/tea/configure.ac
2022-02-22 12:29:03 drhok
16c. tclsh run-all.tcl - on unix
0 errors out of 11879758 tests and 1244 invocations in 1033 seconds
2022-02-22 12:26:37 drhok
23b. Works on Linux.
2022-02-22 12:26:03 drhok
20. SEE tests using TH3:
2022-02-22 12:25:59 drhok
20o. At least one of the above on Windows.
2022-02-22 12:25:56 drhok
20h. see-aes256-cryptoapi.c
th3: th3make msvc.rc see.rc quick.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DTH3_SELFCOVERAGE cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan cov1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 2412175 tests. 864.559 seconds on SQLiteWin10 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:29:50 b4cfd26d94c5059a8e7ee968f8cd70b5f80c9eb56b6ebaab245639600ee6da
2022-02-22 12:25:23 drhok
20e. see-aes128-ccm.c
th3: ./th3make see.rc quick.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DTH3_SELFCOVERAGE cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan cov1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 2405165 tests. 375.774 seconds on abby 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:29:50 b4cfd26d94c5059a8e7ee968f8cd70b5f80c9eb56b6ebaab245639600ee6da4d
2022-02-22 12:14:10 danok
12. Tests for platform OpenBSD (x86):
2022-02-22 12:14:06 danok
12b. th3make quick.rc
th3: 0 errors in 2439363 tests. 2895.018 seconds on obsd.home.com 32-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-22 12:11:50 drhok
23a. Builds.
2022-02-22 12:05:25 drhok
21. ZIPVFS tests:
2022-02-22 12:05:21 drhok
21h. At least one of the above on Windows.
2022-02-22 12:05:15 drhok
21e. th3make zipvfs.rc quick.rc
th3: th3make msvc.rc zipvfs.rc quick.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS -DSQLITE_ENABLE_ZIPVFS -DZIPVFS_OMIT_DEPRECATED -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DTH3_SELFCOVERAGE zipvfs/?*.cfg cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan zipvfs/?*.test cov1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 3764381 tests. 1852.773 seconds on SQLiteWin10 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-22 12:05:09 drhok
21e. th3make zipvfs.rc quick.rc
2022-02-22 11:52:49 drhok
20d. see-rc4.c
th3: ./th3make see.rc quick.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DTH3_SELFCOVERAGE cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan cov1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 2405142 tests. 400.953 seconds on abby 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:29:50 b4cfd26d94c5059a8e7ee968f8cd70b5f80c9eb56b6ebaab245639600ee6da4d
2022-02-22 11:45:00 drhok
20c. see-aes256-ofb.c
th3: ./th3make see.rc quick.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DTH3_SELFCOVERAGE cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan cov1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 2405096 tests. 356.975 seconds on abby 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:29:50 b4cfd26d94c5059a8e7ee968f8cd70b5f80c9eb56b6ebaab245639600ee6da4d
2022-02-22 11:43:35 drhok
16b. No SQLite compiler warnings.
2022-02-22 11:43:32 drhok
16a. Checked in latest SQLite amalgamation.
2022-02-22 11:40:49 danok
38a. Compile-time options in builds/products_build.sh in the supportdb repository has been updated to align with any changes to the default makefiles.
Removed references to SQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1, as here: https://sqlite.org/src/info/db950192c93db7f5
2022-02-22 11:34:41 danok
36. Run the rbu/run_rbu_tests.tcl script in the test-dbs project on Linux.
All tests report "round trip successful".
2022-02-22 11:32:08 danok
17. Build using the configure/make in main source tree.
2022-02-22 11:32:04 danok
17b. Verify the correct version numbers have been installed.
2022-02-22 11:32:01 danok
17a. Make sure that autoconf has been run to update the configure script.
Installs Ok on Linux. Version 3.38.0.
2022-02-22 11:29:30 drhok
33. Build and verify correct operation of sqlite3_analyzer on:
2022-02-22 11:29:27 drhok
33c. Windows
2022-02-22 11:28:34 drhok
34. Build and verify sqldiff
2022-02-22 11:28:31 drhok
34c. Windows
2022-02-22 11:27:35 danok
12a. make test
SQLite 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1 0 errors out of 250666 tests on obsd.home.com OpenBSD 32-bit little-endian
2022-02-22 11:27:26 drhok
28c. Windows
2022-02-22 11:25:52 drhok
26. Performance tests using speedtest1 --testset rtree
2022-02-22 11:25:49 drhok
26b. Windows
2022-02-22 11:24:50 drhok
25. Performance tests using speedtest1 compared against the previous release and a release from about one year ago.
2022-02-22 11:24:48 drhok
25c. Windows
2022-02-22 11:20:01 drhok
11. Tests for platform Windows:
2022-02-22 11:19:59 drhok
11g. Verify that EXEs and DLLs generated using MSVC contain the correct version number, product name, description, and copyright as resources.
2022-02-22 11:14:11 drhok
11f. sh tool/symbols-mingw.sh - no incorrect exports or dependencies
2022-02-22 11:11:22 danok
32. Verify that databases (including FTS3 and RTREE databases), rollback journals, and WAL files created by the release candidate are readable and writeable by historical versions of SQLite (as long as no unsupported features are used) and vice versa.
Tested using backcompat.test against 3.8.2 and 3.7.3: SQLite 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1 0 errors out of 265 tests on darkstar Linux 64-bit little-endian
2022-02-22 11:09:17 danok
13. On an F2FS filesystem with the F2FS_FEATURE_ATOMIC_WRITE feature, test with: $(TOP)/configure && make test OPTS="-DSQLITE_ENABLE_BATCH_ATOMIC_WRITE -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC"
SQLite 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1 0 errors out of 250762 tests on darkstar Linux 64-bit little-endian
2022-02-22 03:13:09 drhok
11b. tclsh multitest.tcl --msvc --quick on x86
With extra th3make args: -DSQLITE_4_BYTE_ALIGNED_MALLOC 0 failures on 16 th3makes and 31808035 tests in (03:36:20) on SQLiteWin10 SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-22 02:02:34 drhok
31. Verify that the amalgamation builds are byte-for-byte identical on all workstation platforms.
2022-02-22 02:02:30 drhok
31d. Windows using native MinGW.
3eb477352ee98fa85dbc9d33eac7e0e11850a108d0be4b0096bca9ed05ead764 sqlite3.c 6dc156c844d94bbb20c851fe927f99004417d36d100375ad5236ab8cdbb6470c sqlite3.h
2022-02-22 02:01:15 drhok
21d. th3make zipvfs.rc quick.rc -valgrind
th3: ./th3make zipvfs.rc quick.rc --valgrind th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_ENABLE_ZIPVFS -DZIPVFS_OMIT_DEPRECATED -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DTH3_SELFCOVERAGE -DTH3_OMIT_MISUSE -DTH3_LOWMEM zipvfs/?*.cfg cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan zipvfs/?*.test cov1/?*.test th3: 32 errors in 3727401 tests. 20904.091 seconds on abby 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1 Once again: all errors in the (now disabled) wal47.test module.
2022-02-22 02:00:18 drhok
33b. Mac OS X
2022-02-22 02:00:01 drhok
34b. Mac
2022-02-22 01:58:38 drhok
31e. Windows using NMAKE.
3eb477352ee98fa85dbc9d33eac7e0e11850a108d0be4b0096bca9ed05ead764 sqlite3.c 6dc156c844d94bbb20c851fe927f99004417d36d100375ad5236ab8cdbb6470c sqlite3.h
2022-02-22 01:57:51 drhok
29. Use the ".selftest" command of the shell to verify that legacy database files are readable and cross-platform
2022-02-22 01:57:49 drhok
29d. Windows
2022-02-22 01:55:22 drhok
29c. Mac
2022-02-22 01:54:58 drhok
29b. Linux
2022-02-22 01:54:25 drhok
37. Verify that the "sqlite3-all.c" build target works and that the resulting "sqlite3-all.c" file and its include files ("sqlite3-?.c") compile and run the same as the single-file amalgamation.
2022-02-22 01:53:13 drhok
35. Build the "atrc" test program and run "./atrc $DB | ./sqlite3 $DB" against multiple databases, visually verify the result
2022-02-22 01:51:23 drhok
33a. Linux
2022-02-22 01:47:11 drhok
34a. Linux
2022-02-21 23:35:12 drhok
22. NDS-Devkit testing
2022-02-21 23:35:09 drhok
22c. Verify the "NDS DevKit" version number shown at the end of the test
2022-02-21 23:34:58 drhok
22b. Test using: tclsh th3make test.rc nds_devkit.rc
th3: ./th3make test.rc nds_devkit.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_EXPENSIVE_ASSERT -DSQLITE_ENABLE_WHERETRACE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DNDS_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS -DNDS_ENABLE_COMPRESS -DSQLITE_ENABLE_SHARED_SCHEMA -DSQLITE_SECURE_DELETE nx_compress.c cfg/?*.cfg extra1/?*.cfg bugs/?*.test cov1/?*.test extra1/?*.test fts/?*.test req1/?*.test demo/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 10123527 tests. 3510.801 seconds on bella 64-bit little-endian th3: NDS DevKit 3.38.0.beta 2022-02-21 21:13:41 2c22e782bdd81b3f th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:49:49 b3c26f4a34ab1557beddffccb818218a583c4daf078d338450eb79369fc2adf4
2022-02-21 23:32:28 drhok
15h. Mac: fuzzcheck $CORPUS --spinner
2022-02-21 23:26:09 drhok
8. Tests for platform MacOS x64:
2022-02-21 23:26:06 drhok
8c. tclsh multitest.tcl --scenario failures - all failures detected
2022-02-21 23:09:08 drhok
8b. tclsh multitest.tcl --quick
0 failures on 16 th3makes and 32207193 tests in (02:21:44) on SQLite-iMac-2018 SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-21 21:34:45 drhok
11c. tclsh multitest.tcl --msvc --scenario failures - verify failures detected
2022-02-21 21:34:14 drhok
11a. tclsh multitest.tcl --msvc --quick on x64
0 failures on 16 th3makes and 32000929 tests in (02:14:31) 2 cores on SQLiteWin10 SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-21 21:30:10 drhok
28a. Linux
2022-02-21 21:27:54 drhok
27. Run make wordcount and do tests on current and prior versions:
2022-02-21 21:27:51 drhok
27b. rm -f wc.db && ./wordcount wc.db $BIGTEXT --all --cachesize 5 --nosync
2022-02-21 21:26:44 drhok
27a. rm -f wc.db && ./wordcount wc.db $BIGTEXT --all
2022-02-21 21:20:25 drhok
26a. Linux
2022-02-21 21:18:47 drhok
25a. Linux
2022-02-21 21:16:34 drhok
22a. Merge all trunk enhancements into the reuse-schema branch and use that branch to update the devkit.
2022-02-21 21:03:43 drhok
25b. Mac
2022-02-21 20:44:17 drhok
21g. At least one of the above on Mac OS X.
2022-02-21 20:44:13 drhok
21c. th3make zipvfs.rc memdebug.rc
th3: f22a003155ebf295bcab5f49985ce598d072bbc7247d087f49d21f3a09edd6f7 th3: ./th3make zipvfs.rc memdebug.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_ENABLE_ZIPVFS -DZIPVFS_OMIT_DEPRECATED -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_MEMDEBUG zipvfs/?*.cfg cfg/?*.cfg extra1/?*.cfg zipvfs/?*.test bugs/?*.test cov1/?*.test extra1/?*.test fts/?*.test req1/?*.test th3: 32 errors in 10872866 tests. 7170.200 seconds on minimac 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1 Errors are all in wal47 which has now been removed.
2022-02-21 20:30:09 drhok
8d. tclsh test/wapptest.tcl -platform Failure-Detection -noui - all failures detected
2022-02-21 20:23:47 drhok
8a. tclsh test/wapptest.tcl -noui --debug
0 errors from 6573850 tests in 12 configurations. SQLite version 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-21 19:37:34 drhok
21f. At least one of the above on Linux.
2022-02-21 19:37:30 drhok
21b. th3make zipvfs.rc test.rc
th3: ./th3make zipvfs.rc test.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_ENABLE_ZIPVFS -DZIPVFS_OMIT_DEPRECATED -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_EXPENSIVE_ASSERT -DSQLITE_ENABLE_WHERETRACE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB zipvfs/?*.cfg cfg/?*.cfg extra1/?*.cfg zipvfs/?*.test bugs/?*.test cov1/?*.test extra1/?*.test fts/?*.test req1/?*.test demo/?*.test th3: 32 errors in 13997520 tests. 5373.327 seconds on bella 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1 All errors were in wal47.test, which is a new module that is fundamentally incompatible with ZIPVFS. That module has now been disabled for ZIPVFS, but there is no point and rerunning the test, which took the better part of 2 hours.
2022-02-21 19:17:07 drhok
11e. tclsh test/wapptest.tcl --msvc --platform Failure-Detection -noui - all failures detected
2022-02-21 19:16:53 drhok
18. Fossil updated to use the latest SQLite.
2022-02-21 19:16:50 drhok
18c. fossil all test-integrity -d
2022-02-21 19:16:48 drhok
18b. Used on active websites with no issues.
2022-02-21 19:16:45 drhok
18a. No SQLite compiler warnings.
2022-02-21 19:16:06 drhok
3h. Test metrics are up-to-date (testing.html).
2022-02-21 19:16:02 drhok
3g. Database footprint is up-to-date (features.html).
2022-02-21 19:14:04 drhok
3f. The compile-time options are all up-to-date (compile.html).
2022-02-21 19:13:57 drhok
3d. No unresolved hyperlinks in the documentation build.
2022-02-21 19:13:53 drhok
3a. Latest release on the "index.html" page.
2022-02-21 19:13:50 drhok
3b. Release announcement in "changes.in".
2022-02-21 19:13:47 drhok
3e. Requirements marks are up-to-date in both documentation and source code. Do this early so that necessary code changes are well validated by subsequent checklist items.
2022-02-21 19:12:22 drhok
11d. tclsh test/wapptest.tcl --msvc -noui --debug
0 errors from 3356834 tests in 12 configurations. SQLite version 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-21 18:37:01 drhok
20k. At least one of the above using "memdebug.rc".
2022-02-21 18:36:56 drhok
20f. see-cccrypt.c
th3: f22a003155ebf295bcab5f49985ce598d072bbc7247d087f49d21f3a09edd6f7 th3: ./th3make memdebug.rc see.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_MEMDEBUG -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC cfg/?*.cfg extra1/?*.cfg bugs/?*.test cov1/?*.test extra1/?*.test fts/?*.test req1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 8477084 tests. 4417.085 seconds on minimac 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:29:50 b4cfd26d94c5059a8e7ee968f8cd70b5f80c9eb56b6ebaab245639600ee6da4d
2022-02-21 18:35:17 drhok
6. Tests for platform Linux x86_64:
2022-02-21 18:35:14 drhok
6f. tclsh test/wapptest.tcl --platform Failure-Detection -noui - all failures detected
2022-02-21 18:29:30 drhok
6e. tclsh test/wapptest.tcl -noui --debug
0 errors from 16853426 tests in 50 configurations. SQLite version 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-21 18:09:09 drhok
20g. see-aes256-openssl.c
th3: ./th3make see.rc quick.rc -lcrypto th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DTH3_SELFCOVERAGE cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan cov1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 2405110 tests. 232.285 seconds on r21 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:29:50 b4cfd26d94c5059a8e7ee968f8cd70b5f80c9eb56b6ebaab245639600ee6da4d
2022-02-21 18:00:44 drhok
20m. At least one of the above on Linux.
2022-02-21 18:00:40 drhok
20l. At least one of the above with option -DSQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ.
2022-02-21 18:00:37 drhok
20i. Verify that builds work with -DSQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT
2022-02-21 18:00:32 drhok
20b. see-aes128-ofb.c
th3: ./th3make see.rc quick.rc -DSQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT -DSQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ --stop th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DTH3_SELFCOVERAGE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT -DSQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan cov1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 2414975 tests. 255.263 seconds on r21 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:29:50 b4cfd26d94c5059a8e7ee968f8cd70b5f80c9eb56b6ebaab245639600ee6da4d
2022-02-21 17:46:21 drhok
21a. testfixture ../zipvfs/test/zipvfs.test (See test/README.md for details)
SQLite 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1 0 errors out of 81567 tests on bella Linux 64-bit little-endian All memory allocations freed - no leaks
2022-02-21 17:45:38 drhok
2. Source code change review. fossil diff --from release --to trunk
2022-02-21 17:45:35 drhok
2l. Compare sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h against the previous release.
2022-02-21 17:21:13 drhok
19. CEROD tests in the "test/" subdirectory.
2022-02-21 17:19:44 drhok
14e. reuse-schema (from trunk)
2022-02-21 17:19:17 drhok
15g. CFLAGS='-Os -g -DSQLITE_VDBE_COVERAGE' make -e clean fuzzcheck && ./fuzzcheck $CORPUS --spinner
2022-02-21 17:17:20 drhok
20n. At least one of the above on Mac OS X.
2022-02-21 17:17:16 drhok
20j. At least one of the above using "test.rc".
2022-02-21 17:17:09 drhok
20a. see.c
th3: f22a003155ebf295bcab5f49985ce598d072bbc7247d087f49d21f3a09edd6f7 th3: ./th3make test.rc see.rc th3: mkth3.tcl -DSQLITE_DEBUG -DSQLITE_ENABLE_EXPENSIVE_ASSERT -DSQLITE_ENABLE_WHERETRACE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_BYTECODE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC cfg/?*.cfg extra1/?*.cfg bugs/?*.test cov1/?*.test extra1/?*.test fts/?*.test req1/?*.test demo/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 8730072 tests. 2153.664 seconds on minimac 64-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 16:29:50 b4cfd26d94c5059a8e7ee968f8cd70b5f80c9eb56b6ebaab245639600ee6da4d
2022-02-21 17:15:26 drhok
15c. valgrind fuzzcheck $CORPUS --spinner
2022-02-21 17:11:37 drhok
6i. Test the reuse-schema branch with ./configure --enable-all && make "OPTS=-DSQLITE_ENABLE_SHARED_SCHEMA" test.
SQLite 2022-02-21 16:49:49 b3c26f4a34ab1557beddffccb818218a583c4daf078d338450eb79369fc2adf4 0 errors out of 297750 tests on abby Linux 64-bit little-endian All memory allocations freed - no leaks
2022-02-21 16:50:59 drhok
7. Tests for platform Linux ARM (BeagleBoard or RaspberryPI)
2022-02-21 16:50:56 drhok
7b. Recompile and test Fossil.
2022-02-21 16:42:08 drhok
14g. client-see (in the see-base repository)
2022-02-21 16:40:53 drhok
6j. CC=clang CFLAGS='-fsanitize=thread' ./configure && make threadtest5 && ./threadtest5
2022-02-21 16:33:20 drhok
6h. CC=clang CFLAGS='-fsanitize=address,undefined' ./configure --enable-debug --enable-all && make test
SQLite 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1 0 errors out of 298257 tests on abby Linux 64-bit little-endian All memory allocations freed - no leaks
2022-02-21 16:32:08 drhok
15f. CC=clang CFLAGS='-Os -g -fsanitize=memory' make -e clean fuzzcheck && ./fuzzcheck $CORPUS --spinner
2022-02-21 16:32:05 drhok
15e. CC=clang CFLAGS='-Os -g -fsanitize=address' make -e clean fuzzcheck && ./fuzzcheck $CORPUS --spinner
2022-02-21 16:32:02 drhok
15d. CC=clang CFLAGS='-Os -g -fsanitize=undefined' make -e clean fuzzcheck && ./fuzzcheck $CORPUS --spinner
2022-02-21 16:29:59 drhok
14f. see (in the see-base repository)
2022-02-21 16:27:00 drhok
7a. tclsh th3make min.rc -DTH3_LOWMEM --unobfuscated
th3: f22a003155ebf295bcab5f49985ce598d072bbc7247d087f49d21f3a09edd6f7 th3: th3make min.rc -DTH3_LOWMEM -unobfuscated th3: mkth3.tcl -DTH3_LOWMEM cfg/c?.cfg cfg/wal1.cfg cfg/f2fs.cfg coverage.testplan cov1/?*.test th3: 0 errors in 2088157 tests. 5202.922 seconds on raspberrypi 32-bit little-endian th3: SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-21 16:14:42 drhok
15b. Check-in CORPUS as an unversioned file in the dbsqlfuzz repository
2022-02-21 16:14:39 drhok
15a. Develop a new CORPUS database by running dbsqlfuzz for 10 billion iterations
2022-02-21 15:59:15 drhok
6g. sh tool/symbols.sh - no incorrect exports or dependencies
2022-02-21 15:58:13 drhok
6d. tclsh multitest.tcl --scenario failures - all failures detected
2022-02-21 15:58:00 drhok
9. Tests for platform MacOS ARM:
2022-02-21 15:57:57 drhok
9b. tclsh multitest.tcl --quick
0 failures on 16 th3makes and 32207193 tests in (00:17:19) 4 cores on minimac SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 13:44:51 e25e33582b69289a2c3a6bc403e3911de22a3b529db1a565efb9f1af01b9e382
2022-02-21 15:56:27 drhok
6c. tclsh multitest.tcl --scenario obscure
0 failures on 2 th3makes and 4897891 tests in (00:05:50) 8 cores on abby SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-21 15:41:33 drhok
6b. tclsh multitest.tcl --scenario coverage
0 failures on 4 th3makes and 7077885 tests in (00:18:36) on abby SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 14:30:59 5c188243d769681c68938c8e432155c8ec838d9e32fe8d1b12286ebc9d0e87f1
2022-02-21 15:39:08 drhok
31c. Mac OS X (PPC)
3eb477352ee98fa85dbc9d33eac7e0e11850a108d0be4b0096bca9ed05ead764 sqlite3.c 6dc156c844d94bbb20c851fe927f99004417d36d100375ad5236ab8cdbb6470c sqlite3.h
2022-02-21 15:38:43 drhok
31b. Mac OS X
3eb477352ee98fa85dbc9d33eac7e0e11850a108d0be4b0096bca9ed05ead764 sqlite3.c 6dc156c844d94bbb20c851fe927f99004417d36d100375ad5236ab8cdbb6470c sqlite3.h
2022-02-21 15:38:03 drhok
31a. Linux
3eb477352ee98fa85dbc9d33eac7e0e11850a108d0be4b0096bca9ed05ead764 sqlite3.c 6dc156c844d94bbb20c851fe927f99004417d36d100375ad5236ab8cdbb6470c sqlite3.h
2022-02-21 15:36:10 drhok
29a. iBook PPC
2022-02-21 15:35:53 drhok
10. Tests for platform MacOS (PPC):
2022-02-21 15:35:50 drhok
10c. Verify that Fossil repositories are cross-platform with x86/x64.
2022-02-21 15:35:48 drhok
10b. Recompile and test Fossil.
2022-02-21 14:31:11 drhok
10a. .selftest checks (see below)
2022-02-21 13:58:45 drhok
6a. tclsh multitest.tcl
0 failures on 50 th3makes and 246562232 tests in (02:35:10) 8 cores on abby SQLite 3.38.0 2022-02-21 00:23:49 9c4e21abdca664d6b7bcf0043fe9ec05ef8b2949ba6ee7208abaaec1ff4ed679
2022-02-21 13:51:04 drhok
4. Compiler warning checks.
2022-02-21 13:51:01 drhok
4b. Mac OS X GCC -Wall -Wextra (the "tool/warnings.sh" script)
2022-02-21 13:45:05 drhok
2k. Significant compile-time options are recognized by the sqlite3_compileoption_used() interface.
2022-02-21 13:45:02 drhok
2j. Verify that the list of APIs exposed via the extension header is up-to-date (sqlite3ext.h).
2022-02-21 13:44:58 drhok
2i. Verify that source code contains no tabs and that surplus whitespace has been removed.
2022-02-21 13:37:47 drhok
2h. Check all calls to memory allocation routines to ensure that size computations are 64-bit clean. Suggested regular expression for search: /(Re|M)alloc[FORZa-z]*(/
2022-02-21 13:34:20 drhok
2g. Check all calls to sqlite3OsRead() and sqlite3OsWrite() to ensure that offset computations are 64-bit clean.
2022-02-21 13:32:21 drhok
1. Test procedure review.
2022-02-21 13:32:18 drhok
1a. Review the "test/wapptest.tcl" script for completeness and accuracy.
2022-02-21 13:32:16 drhok
1b. Review "multitest.tcl" and "alignment*.rc" scripts in TH3 for completeness.
2022-02-21 13:32:13 drhok
1c. Review this checklist for completeness and accuracy.
2022-02-21 13:29:35 drhok
4a. Linux GCC -Wall -Wextra (the "tool/warnings.sh" script)
2022-02-21 13:29:15 drhok
4c. Clang-6.0.0: CFLAGS='-O0' ./configure --enable-debug --enable-all && scan-build make sqlite3
2022-02-21 13:28:25 drhok
4d. Clang-10.0.0: CFLAGS='-O0' ./configure --enable-debug --enable-all && scan-build make sqlite3
2022-02-21 13:26:43 drhok
2f. Variables and functions have been renamed to reflect changes in their use.
2022-02-21 13:26:41 drhok
2e. Comments have been updated to reflect code changes.
2022-02-21 13:26:38 drhok
2d. New code complies with design rules.
2022-02-21 13:26:35 drhok
2c. New code complies with style guidelines.
2022-02-21 13:23:44 drhok
5. OMIT, ENABLE, and DISABLE options:
2022-02-21 13:23:40 drhok
5a. tclsh ../tool/omittest.tcl -skip_run -target libsqlite3.a
2022-02-21 13:23:28 drhok
9a. tclsh test/wapptest.tcl -noui --debug
0 errors from 6053604 tests in 12 configurations. SQLite version 3.38.0 2022-02-21 00:23:49 9c4e21abdca664d6b7bcf0043fe9ec05ef8b2949ba6ee7208abaaec1ff4ed679
2022-02-21 13:22:38 drhok
2b. All significant changes are mentioned in the "changes" log of the documentation.
2022-02-21 13:22:35 drhok
2a. No stray changes.