
Check-in Differences

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Difference From 2f712b836a0dafd0 To 46b3ac6d1fdd9207

Fix a bug introduced 4 days ago by [e95439119ac200cb]: do not set the Expr.affExpr field of a generated column expression if the expression is a RAISE() function, as affExpr has a different meaning for RAISE. Forum post b312e075b5. (check-in: 1096b5a7 user: drh tags: trunk)
Improve how sqlite3.initWorker1API() determines whether it's running in a Worker thread. Based on feedback in forum post ac7a94d4f77db235. (check-in: 2f712b83 user: stephan tags: trunk)
Replace use of 'self' in JS code with 'globalThis', as that works in browsers and node environments. Avoid using globalThis.location if it's not set (e.g. in node). Based on feedback in forum post ac7a94d4f77db235. Minor JS build tweaks. (check-in: dbbe8f25 user: stephan tags: trunk)
In the JS sqlite3.vfs/vtab utility APIs, use a local reference to StructBinder instead of sqlite3.StructBinder, as that object is removed from the sqlite3 namespace during the final steps of API initialization. Based on feedback from forum post d19d96183badca70. (check-in: 0d89885d user: stephan tags: trunk)
Fix a couple minor spacing issues in the MSVC makefile. (check-in: 46b3ac6d user: mistachkin tags: trunk)
Repair an unintential fork. (check-in: 8b524c84 user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to ext/wasm/GNUmakefile.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/extern-post-js.c-pp.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/pre-js.c-pp.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-cleanup.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-glue.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-oo1.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-prologue.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-api-worker1.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-opfs-async-proxy.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-v-helper.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-vfs-opfs.c-pp.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-worker1-promiser.c-pp.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/api/sqlite3-worker1.c-pp.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/common/whwasmutil.js.

Changes to ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.js.