
Changes On Branch withdrawn

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Changes In Branch withdrawn Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 36acc0a9 to d1ef9eab

Add the sqlite_dbpage virtual table (enabled using SQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB). Make that virtual table and dbstat available to the command-line shell. (check-in: eaeeb09d user: drh tags: trunk)
Add the experimental "sqlite_expert" extension. Used to find index definitions that might help with specified SQL queries. (Later:) Parked on a dead-end branch due to an assertion fault in TH3. We will merge again after the bug is fixed. (Closed-Leaf check-in: d1ef9eab user: dan tags: withdrawn)
Update this branch to match latest trunk. (check-in: d325da6c user: dan tags: schemalint)
Merge fixes from trunk. All changes are on makefiles and test scripts. There are no core code changes. (check-in: 1fb87a0c user: drh tags: branch-3.21)
The src/shell.c file is now generated from src/shell.c.in, so remove shell.c from version control and update the makefiles to build it automatically. (check-in: 36acc0a9 user: drh tags: trunk)
Merge fixes from the 3.21 branch. (check-in: 29292169 user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to Makefile.in.

Changes to Makefile.msc.

Added ext/expert/README.md.

Added ext/expert/expert.c.

Added ext/expert/expert1.test.

Added ext/expert/sqlite3expert.c.

Added ext/expert/sqlite3expert.h.

Added ext/expert/test_expert.c.

Changes to main.mk.

Changes to src/main.c.

Changes to src/pragma.c.

Changes to src/sqlite.h.in.

Changes to src/sqliteInt.h.

Changes to src/tclsqlite.c.

Changes to src/vdbeaux.c.

Changes to src/where.c.

Changes to test/permutations.test.