
Changes On Branch winopen-retry-logic

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Changes In Branch winopen-retry-logic Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 861a5b62 to 4cb17881

Merge the winopen-retry-logic branch into trunk. The biggest change here is to test scripts, which should now use such as copy_file and delete_file from tester.tcl rather than the raw file commands of TCL. (check-in: b90c28be user: drh tags: trunk)
Add explanatory comment to the win32lock-2.2 test case. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 4cb17881 user: mistachkin tags: winopen-retry-logic)
Correct subtle timing issues in the win32lock test cases and in the lock_win32_file Tcl command. Also, eliminate superfluous MSVC compiler warnings. (check-in: 7baf0294 user: mistachkin tags: winopen-retry-logic)
Exclude the 8_3_names.test script from the inmemory_journal permutation. (check-in: 78fc94c8 user: drh tags: trunk)
Merge in the permutation changes from trunk. (check-in: b30a5e30 user: drh tags: winopen-retry-logic)
Also exclude backcompat.test from inmemory_journal since inmemory_journal is not compatible with WAL mode. (check-in: 861a5b62 user: drh tags: trunk)
Omit backcompat.test from the journaltest permutation because it uses WAL mode which is incompatible with journaltest. (check-in: 2bbf3150 user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to Makefile.msc.

Changes to src/os_win.c.

Changes to src/test1.c.

Changes to test/8_3_names.test.

Changes to test/alter.test.

Changes to test/alter2.test.

Changes to test/alter3.test.

Changes to test/alter4.test.

Changes to test/async.test.

Changes to test/async2.test.

Changes to test/async3.test.

Changes to test/async5.test.

Changes to test/attach.test.

Changes to test/attach2.test.

Changes to test/attach3.test.

Changes to test/attachmalloc.test.

Changes to test/autoinc.test.

Changes to test/autovacuum.test.

Changes to test/autovacuum_ioerr2.test.

Changes to test/backcompat.test.

Changes to test/backup.test.

Changes to test/backup2.test.

Changes to test/backup_ioerr.test.

Changes to test/capi3.test.

Changes to test/capi3c.test.

Changes to test/collate7.test.

Changes to test/corrupt.test.

Changes to test/corrupt2.test.

Changes to test/corrupt9.test.

Changes to test/corruptA.test.

Changes to test/corruptB.test.

Changes to test/corruptC.test.

Changes to test/corruptD.test.

Changes to test/corruptE.test.

Changes to test/crash.test.

Changes to test/crash3.test.

Changes to test/crash4.test.

Changes to test/crash5.test.

Changes to test/crash6.test.

Changes to test/crash7.test.

Changes to test/crash8.test.

Changes to test/createtab.test.

Changes to test/dbstatus.test.

Changes to test/delete.test.

Changes to test/descidx1.test.

Changes to test/diskfull.test.

Changes to test/e_expr.test.

Changes to test/e_fts3.test.

Changes to test/enc2.test.

Changes to test/enc3.test.

Changes to test/enc4.test.

Changes to test/exclusive.test.

Changes to test/exclusive2.test.

Changes to test/fallocate.test.

Changes to test/filectrl.test.

Changes to test/filefmt.test.

Changes to test/fts1j.test.

Changes to test/fts1o.test.

Changes to test/fts2j.test.

Changes to test/fts2o.test.

Changes to test/fts3aj.test.

Changes to test/fts3ao.test.

Changes to test/fts3snippet.test.

Changes to test/fts4aa.test.

Changes to test/fuzz_malloc.test.

Changes to test/hook.test.

Changes to test/incrblob.test.

Changes to test/incrvacuum.test.

Changes to test/incrvacuum2.test.

Changes to test/incrvacuum_ioerr.test.

Changes to test/insert5.test.

Changes to test/io.test.

Changes to test/ioerr.test.

Changes to test/ioerr4.test.

Changes to test/journal1.test.

Changes to test/journal2.test.

Changes to test/journal3.test.

Changes to test/jrnlmode.test.

Changes to test/jrnlmode2.test.

Changes to test/jrnlmode3.test.

Changes to test/loadext.test.

Changes to test/lock4.test.

Changes to test/lock5.test.

Changes to test/main.test.

Changes to test/malloc.test.

Changes to test/malloc3.test.

Changes to test/malloc5.test.

Changes to test/mallocA.test.

Changes to test/malloc_common.tcl.

Changes to test/manydb.test.

Changes to test/memsubsys1.test.

Changes to test/memsubsys2.test.

Changes to test/misc1.test.

Changes to test/misc2.test.

Changes to test/misc5.test.

Changes to test/misc7.test.

Changes to test/misuse.test.

Changes to test/multiplex.test.

Changes to test/notify1.test.

Changes to test/notify2.test.

Changes to test/notify3.test.

Changes to test/openv2.test.

Changes to test/pager1.test.

Changes to test/pagerfault.test.

Changes to test/pagesize.test.

Changes to test/pcache2.test.

Changes to test/pragma.test.

Changes to test/pragma2.test.

Changes to test/quota.test.

Changes to test/rollback.test.

Changes to test/savepoint.test.

Changes to test/savepoint6.test.

Changes to test/securedel.test.

Changes to test/shared.test.

Changes to test/shared2.test.

Changes to test/shared3.test.

Changes to test/shared4.test.

Changes to test/shared6.test.

Changes to test/shared7.test.

Changes to test/speed3.test.

Changes to test/sqllimits1.test.

Changes to test/stat.test.

Changes to test/sync.test.

Changes to test/table.test.

Changes to test/temptable.test.

Changes to test/temptrigger.test.

Changes to test/tester.tcl.

Changes to test/thread002.test.

Changes to test/thread003.test.

Changes to test/thread005.test.

Changes to test/tkt-2d1a5c67d.test.

Changes to test/tkt-5ee23731f.test.

Changes to test/tkt-f3e5abed55.test.

Changes to test/tkt1667.test.

Changes to test/tkt1873.test.

Changes to test/tkt2686.test.

Changes to test/tkt2817.test.

Changes to test/tkt2820.test.

Changes to test/tkt2854.test.

Changes to test/tkt3457.test.

Changes to test/tkt35xx.test.

Changes to test/trigger1.test.

Changes to test/trigger4.test.

Changes to test/triggerA.test.

Changes to test/triggerC.test.

Changes to test/triggerD.test.

Changes to test/vacuum.test.

Changes to test/vacuum2.test.

Changes to test/vacuum3.test.

Changes to test/view.test.

Changes to test/vtab1.test.

Changes to test/vtab7.test.

Changes to test/vtabC.test.

Changes to test/wal.test.

Changes to test/wal2.test.

Changes to test/wal3.test.

Changes to test/wal4.test.

Changes to test/walbak.test.

Changes to test/walcksum.test.

Changes to test/walcrash.test.

Changes to test/walfault.test.

Changes to test/walmode.test.

Changes to test/walnoshm.test.

Changes to test/walslow.test.

Changes to test/walthread.test.

Changes to test/win32lock.test.