
Changes On Branch open-only-once

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Changes In Branch open-only-once Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 9c2e7612 to 3ad687b7

More efficient removal of duplicates in recursive queries using the UNION compound operator. (check-in: 06c2db87 user: drh tags: trunk)
Only run the OP_OpenRead opcodes for a correlated subquery once, on the initial iteration. Keep the cursor open for subsequent runs. This was suppose to be a performance enhancement, but it is difficult to come up with a query where is makes a significant difference. Hence, the change is getting parked in a branch. (Leaf check-in: 3ad687b7 user: drh tags: open-only-once)
In the command-line shell for CSV import, if the lines are \r\n terminated and the last field is blank, make sure an empty string and not a "\r" string is imported. (check-in: 9c2e7612 user: drh tags: trunk)
Improved handling of constants and especially constant functions in the ORDER BY clause of a query. Do not optimize out "ORDER BY random()". Fix for ticket [65bdeb9739605cc2296]. (check-in: dca1945a user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to src/expr.c.

Changes to src/select.c.

Changes to src/sqliteInt.h.

Changes to src/where.c.