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44 check-ins using file src/expr.c version 005bf7a0

Add new sessions API sqlite3changegroup_add_change(). (check-in: 5eaab43c user: dan tags: trunk)
Edit comments in sqlite3session.h. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 49f84878 user: dan tags: changegroup-add-change)
Add tests for sqlite3changegroup_add_change(). (check-in: 9d67bedc user: dan tags: changegroup-add-change)
Fix problem in sqlar_uncompress() when being used to extract symbolic links. (check-in: 4d90c3f1 user: dan tags: trunk)
Add comment to the test/lemon-test01.y file indicating that it does not work and is for historical reference only. (check-in: 9bdf73a8 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add new sessions API sqlite3changegroup_add_change(). (check-in: 73647db1 user: dan tags: changegroup-add-change)
Add test cases to test/in7.test. No code changes. (check-in: 8c3086f9 user: dan tags: trunk)
Assume that an SQL function is able to return a subtype if any of its arguments are SQL functions that are able to return subtypes. This closes a corner-case hole in the patch at [ba789a7804ab96d8]. (check-in: b36d499e user: drh tags: trunk)
Assume that a function is able to return a subtype if either (1) it is itself marked with SQLITE_RESULT_SUBTYPE, or (2) one of its arguments is a function that is able to return a subtype. This check-in backs out the code changes from the previous two on this same branch, but keeps the test cases from the previous two. (Closed-Leaf check-in: f16b200f user: drh tags: func-rw-subtype)
Functions that pass through the sqlite3_value of one of their arguments must also be marked as SQLITE_RESULT_SUBTYPE, in case one of their arguments has a subtype. (check-in: 2f9fba93 user: drh tags: func-rw-subtype)
The coalesce(), ifnull(), and iif() functions pass through subtype values from their arguments, and hence need to have the SQLITE_RESULT_SUBTYPE flag set. (check-in: cdd1610c user: drh tags: func-rw-subtype)
Fix a problem with queries that use "IN(...) ORDER BY ... NULLS LAST" or similar introduced by [d7648e21605a0b38]. (check-in: 26b2d939 user: dan tags: trunk)
Avoid an assert failure accessible only when internal testing features are enabled. dbsqlfuzz crash-66abacda6bca6bd531e25595e8c8068e2c710326.txt. (check-in: fbc446da user: dan tags: trunk)
Fix a case where the recovery extension might write uninitialized data to the recovered database. (check-in: 8519b4d0 user: dan tags: trunk)
Avoid an OP_Next in cases where an IN(...) query against a UNIQUE index may return at most 1 row. (check-in: d7648e21 user: dan tags: trunk)
Fix the CREATE TABLE performance issue described by forum thread 4cf69794d9dfff7c in two different ways: (1) Omit the call to PRAGMA integrity_check('X') that was being done after CREATE TABLE "X" because the result was being ignored and the integrity_check was not doing anything other than burning CPU cycles. (2) Do not interpret the argument to PRAGMA integrity_check as a number if it is in fact a string that looks like a number. (check-in: 71f08b91 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add a test case to the fix to PRAGMA integrity_check in the previous check-in. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 39a57b59 user: drh tags: faster-create)
Do not accept a string that looks like a number used as an argument to PRAGMA integrity_check as a number. Treat it as a table name that just happens to look like a number. (check-in: b04e7a23 user: drh tags: faster-create)
Omit the OP_SqlExec to "PRAGMA integrity_check" added by [348fa7aaf7958b3f] because it is a no-op. Even if the integrity_check failes, the CREATE TABLE is stull successful. The OP_SqlExec just burns CPU cycles for no reason. (check-in: 532795ac user: drh tags: faster-create)
Avoid an OP_Next in cases where an IN(...) query against a UNIQUE index may return at most 1 row. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 560f6415 user: dan tags: unique-in-opt)
Fix another problem in the recovery extension where a corrupt sqlite_schema table could lead to excessive memory consumption. (check-in: 1c7e33a8 user: dan tags: trunk)
Fix a problem causing the recovery extension to use excessive memory and CPU time in some cases. (check-in: 8de85170 user: dan tags: trunk)
Avoid 32-bit overflow when calculating ncycle for ".scanstats vm". (check-in: 2858efa0 user: dan tags: trunk)
Fix issues in LIMIT/OFFSET support for virtual tables. The first problem was reported by forum post c243b8f856. That report prompted an enhancement to the generate_series() (also included in this merge) which in turn identified other similar issues. (check-in: 5f6c079d user: drh tags: trunk)
Internal JS doc touchups. No functional changes. (check-in: 626b997b user: stephan tags: trunk)
Additional internal docs in the wasm utilities. (check-in: 5a2245a9 user: stephan tags: trunk)
Allow virtual table implementations to handle OFFSET but not LIMIT, but not LIMIT but not OFFSET. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 90e5c822 user: dan tags: vtab-limit-fix)
Have where.c ignore any plan from a virtual table that tries to use LIMIT/OFFSET without also using all WHERE constraints. (check-in: 7d305964 user: dan tags: vtab-limit-fix)
Further fixes and improvements to the generate_series() enhancements on this branch. (check-in: b7d9bd7e user: drh tags: vtab-limit-fix)
Use hex flag masks rather than decimals in ext/misc/series.c. (check-in: a94e2cd0 user: drh tags: vtab-limit-fix)
Fix a problem allowing a LIMIT constraint to be passed to a virtual table in cases where there exist WHERE terms that cannot also be passed. (check-in: 72c8ed96 user: dan tags: vtab-limit-fix)
Fix handling of LIMIT and OFFSET in virtual tables that are part of a compound SELECT. (check-in: 40421c1c user: drh tags: vtab-limit-fix)
Enhance the generated_series() table-valued-function to respond to LIMIT and OFFSET. Use this to add new test cases for LIMIT and OFFSET on virtual tables in a compound SELECT. (check-in: 408d47ec user: drh tags: vtab-limit-fix)
Add test demonstrating the problem at forum post c243b8f856. No fix yet. (check-in: 1685495c user: dan tags: vtab-limit-fix)
Fix the TreeView display of a LIMIT clause on a compound query. Debugging code only - not part of production builds. (check-in: 38f1e5ce user: drh tags: trunk)
Improvement to the way that affinity is determined for columns of a compound subquery. The affinity is the affinity of the left-most arm of the compound subquery that has an affinity other than NONE, adjusted to accommodate the data types coming out of the other arms. (check-in: e6df846f user: drh tags: trunk)
Further improvements to the computation of affinity for compound subqueries: make sure that the selected affinity is compatible with a literal values in arms to the left of the arm that is used to determine affinity. (Closed-Leaf check-in: bbdf22e3 user: drh tags: compound-subquery-affinity)
Back out the previous change on this branch. In its place: Determine the affinity of a subquery by the left-most arm of the subquery that has an affinity other than NONE. In other words, scan from left to right looking for an arm of the compound subquery with an affinity of BLOB, TEXT, INTEGER, or REAL and pick the first one found. Or stay with NONE if no arm has a defined affinity. Test cases added. (check-in: b8ec8511 user: drh tags: compound-subquery-affinity)
wasm: add a makefile comment about the static sqlite3.h/c version info injected into the JS files possibly differing from the runtime-emited version info when a user provides their own sqlite3.c. (check-in: d99a01a0 user: stephan tags: trunk)
An experimental minor tweak to the way affinities are computed for compound subqueries, when the actual affinity is ambiguous. (check-in: 779723ad user: drh tags: compound-subquery-affinity)
If a RETURNING clause contains a subquery that references the table that is being updated in the statement that includes the RETURNING clause, then mark the subquery as correlated so that it is recomputed for each result and not just computed once and reused. See forum post 2c83569ce8945d39. (check-in: 9ea6bcc8 user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix a case where a corrupt stat4 record could go unrecognized due to integer overflow. (check-in: 240a4a48 user: dan tags: trunk)
Add comments linking the assert() added in [cef4d9e3ba586735] to the places where the precondition that the assert() tests are actually required. (check-in: 6f0e7e19 user: drh tags: trunk)
Avoid slowdown when exprNodeIsConstant() is called on deeply nested SQL functions. (check-in: 1c0b0345 user: dan tags: trunk)