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8 check-ins using file src/vdbe.c version fcec6e9a

Fix the ".archive" command in the CLI (and the corresponding -A command-line option) so that it silently ignores filenames that contain "../" in their names. This prevents the "Zip Slip" attack. (check-in: 27291f2d user: drh tags: trunk)
Attempt to optimize the resolveExprStep() routine by mapping Expr opcodes into a subset of opcodes that resolveExprStep() cares about and only calling the routine when those opcodes are encountered. Is slightly faster, but it seems like the very slight performance bump is not worth the added complexity. Saved on a dead-end branch for historical reference. (Closed-Leaf check-in: bad4d7a0 user: drh tags: dead-end)
Update the version number to 3.25.0 for the next development cycle. (check-in: 7598236c user: drh tags: trunk)
Avoid unnecessary loads of columns in an aggregate query that are not within an aggregate function and that are not part of the GROUP BY clause. (check-in: e15e1006 user: drh tags: trunk)
Calculate non-aggregate expressions in the SELECT list of an aggregate query that does not use min() or max() once per group, instead of once per row visited. (Closed-Leaf check-in: dce2dfbe user: dan tags: exp-agg-opt)
Use an OP_NotFound opcode to cancel futile IN operators early. The current implementation is suboptimal because it always runs teh OP_NotFound. This still needs to be enhanced to only do the OP_NotFound if no results have been seen on the current loop. (check-in: 87a9fc50 user: drh tags: multikey-opt-idea)
Merge trunk changes. (check-in: 047295c5 user: drh tags: multikey-opt-idea)
Update and correct the documentation on the OP_OpenRead, OP_OpenWrite, and OP_ReopenIdx opcodes. No code changes other than the addition of an assert(). (check-in: 8a0b730d user: drh tags: trunk)