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4 check-ins using file src/sqliteInt.h version 7e327654

Modify tests in window3.test to be tolerant of rounding errors when comparing floating point values. (check-in: 7c26c443 user: dan tags: trunk)
Fix a problem with using scalar sub-selects in window function queries. (check-in: 687fe532 user: dan tags: trunk)
Further improvements to bytecode branch testing. Fix cases where the macros said a branch could not be taken when in fact it could be. Alter some window function branch coverage macros to indicate that comparison operands cannot be NULL. (check-in: 76e42b70 user: drh tags: trunk)
Enhancements and improved documentation to the byte-code branch coverage testing logic. Provide new macros that allow the code to specify that some branch instructions can never take the NULL path and that the OP_Jump opcode is only interested in equal/not-equal. The SQLITE_TESTCTRL_VDBE_COVERAGE file control callback now works slightly differently (it provides the callback with a bitmask of the branch action, rather than an integer). (check-in: cd2da7e1 user: drh tags: trunk)