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15 check-ins using file tool/lemon.c version 3ac82886

Add the sqlite3_clear_bindings() API to the loadable extension interface. Ticket #2135. (CVS 3752) (check-in: 3111b43e user: drh tags: trunk)
Buffer updates per-transaction rather than per-update. If lots of updates happen within a single transaction, there was a lot of wasted encode/decode overhead due to segment merges. This code buffers updates in memory and writes out larger level-0 segments. It only works when documents are presented in ascending order by docid. Comparing a test set running 100 documents per transaction, the total runtime is cut almost in half. (CVS 3751) (check-in: 0229cba6 user: shess tags: trunk)
Change the name of PAGER_SECTOR_SIZE to SQLITE_DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE. Make the new OS-layer interface routine for finding sector size optional. (CVS 3750) (check-in: 0fb9af1d user: drh tags: trunk)
Make sure the strftime() date conversions put in leading zeros correctly. Ticket #2276. (CVS 3749) (check-in: e853067e user: drh tags: trunk)
Avoid calling OsDelete() on journal files when they are opened for temporary databases. Fix for #2255. (CVS 3748) (check-in: e746832f user: danielk1977 tags: trunk)
Add a couple of test cases to improve coverage testing. (CVS 3747) (check-in: 0b22ce36 user: danielk1977 tags: trunk)
Don't call ctype functions on hi-bit chars. Some platforms raise assertions when this occurs, and it's almost certainly not the right thing to do in the first place. (CVS 3746) (check-in: f6c3abdc user: shess tags: trunk)
Assume the malloc-failed flag cannot already be set when calling sqlite3_errmsg(16)(). (CVS 3745) (check-in: 54fa2227 user: danielk1977 tags: trunk)
Fix a bug in XFER optimization introduced by check-in (3736). (CVS 3744) (check-in: 3714ac17 user: drh tags: trunk)
Explicitly test some error cases that up until now have not been checked. (CVS 3743) (check-in: 0b7bd9c3 user: danielk1977 tags: trunk)
Explicitly test some error cases that up until now have not been checked. (CVS 3742) (check-in: f26b0141 user: danielk1977 tags: trunk)
Change BtreeMoveto so that it can be biased to the right or to the center. Use a right bias when appending and a center bias when searching. This gives about a 15% reduction in calls to sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare. (CVS 3741) (check-in: ad4a6b1a user: drh tags: trunk)
Bias the b-tree binary search toward the high end. The common case is to append data and this heuristic makes append run much faster because there are fewer comparisons. (CVS 3740) (check-in: a9877f61 user: drh tags: trunk)
Get LEMON working again when YYSTACKDEPTH is greater than zero. (CVS 3739) (check-in: e72c81db user: drh tags: trunk)
Lemon change: compile the resulting parser with -DYYSTACKDEPTH=0 or set the "%stack_size" parameter to 0 in the grammar and the parser stack will be dynamically allocated using realloc() and free(). The default behavior is to have a finite depth stack. (CVS 3738) (check-in: 06719b74 user: drh tags: trunk)