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Make sure the sqlite3_result_pointer() interface does not leave a VM register in an inconsistent state. Fix for ticket [7486aa54b968e9b5]. Test cases are in TH3. (check-in: abc7adfd user: drh tags: branch-3.20)
13:55 Fixed ticket [7486aa54]: Assertion fault caused by sqlite3_result_pointer() plus 5 other changes (artifact: 9747bf48 user: drh)
Make sure the sqlite3_result_pointer() interface does not leave a VM register in an inconsistent state. Fix for ticket [7486aa54b968e9b5]. Test cases are in TH3. (check-in: d2f9230c user: drh tags: trunk)
13:45 New ticket [7486aa54] Assertion fault caused by sqlite3_result_pointer(). (artifact: ace65a0c user: drh)

Ticket Hash: 7486aa54b968e9b559a75a0eceaf606824d53db4
Title: Assertion fault caused by sqlite3_result_pointer()
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Severe Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Unknown Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2017-08-24 13:55:58
Version Found In: 3.20.0
User Comments:
drh added on 2017-08-24 13:45:00:

Use of the sqlite3_result_pointer() interface can, on some obscure queries, result in an assertion fault on this line: https://sqlite.org/src/artifact/2f9d672af?ln=38.

This problem was discovered by the Thunderbird project when they upgraded to SQLite 3.20.0.