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Cherrypick the json form-feed fix, and other #ifdef and build script changes to address minor issues that came to light after the 3.9.0 release. Update the version number to 3.9.1. No logic changes except for the form-feed bug-fix in json1 (ticket [57eec374ae1d0a1d4a]). (check-in: 746fcd2fd4 user: drh tags: branch-3.9)
15:16 Fixed ticket [57eec374]: JSON1 accepts form-feed (char(12)) as a white-space character plus 5 other changes (artifact: c50665fed3 user: drh)
Form-feed is not valid whitespace for json. Fix for ticket [57eec374ae1d0a1d] (check-in: 28957d6359 user: drh tags: trunk)
15:00 New ticket [57eec374] JSON1 accepts form-feed (char(12)) as a white-space character. (artifact: b6d5677bb4 user: drh)

Ticket Hash: 57eec374ae1d0a1d4a23077a95f4e173fe269113
Title: JSON1 accepts form-feed (char(12)) as a white-space character
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Unknown Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2015-10-16 15:16:13
Version Found In: 3.9.0
User Comments:
drh added on 2015-10-16 15:00:33:

The JSON extension is accepting and form-feed (0xc) as whitespace. But RFC-7159 says that only space (0x20), tab (0x09), line-feed (0x0a) and carriage-return (0x0d) are whitespace for JSON.