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Search results 1..10 of 25 for: stored procedure

 ... If some future version of SQLite adds new ALTER TABLE capabilities, those capabilities will very likely use one of the two procedures outlined above. 8. Why ALTER TABLE is such a problem for SQLite Most SQL database engines store the ... 
 ... the equivalent procedural code, and since the number of bugs per line of code is roughly constant, this means fewer bugs overall. Accessibility SQLite database content can be viewed using a wide variety third-party tools. Content stored in an ... 
 ... In manifest typing, the datatype is a property of the value itself, not of the column in which the value is stored. SQLite thus allows the user to store any value of any datatype into any column regardless of the ... 
Long Term Support
 ... Not boiler-plate comments, but useful comments that explain the meaning of variables and objects and the intent of methods and procedures. The code is designed to be accessible to new programmers and maintainable over a span of decades. Disaster ... 
The RBU Extension
2.3. RBU Update C/C++ Programming The RBU extension interface allows an application to apply an RBU update stored in an RBU database to an existing target database. The procedure is as follows: Open an RBU handle using the sqlite3rbu_open(T,A,S) function. The T ... 
How To Compile SQLite
5. Building The Amalgamation  ... Suppose the SQLite source tree is stored in a directory named "sqlite". Plan to construct the amalgamation in a parallel directory named (for example) "bld". First construct an appropriate Makefile by either running the configure script at the top of ... 
 ... If the busy method is invoked without an argument, the name of the callback procedure last set by the busy method is returned. If no callback procedure has been set, an empty string is returned. 3.10. Th3 enable_load_extension method ... 
 ... I/O procedures are now always redefinable. Three new objects are defined for specifying I/O procedures: sqlite3_vfs, sqlite3_file, and sqlite3_io_methods. Three new interfaces are used to create alternative OS interfaces: sqlite3_vfs_register(), sqlite3_vfs_unregister(), and sqlite3_vfs_find(). A new interface has been ... 
SQLite Backup API
 ... This procedure works well in many scenarios and is usually very fast. However, this technique has the following shortcomings: Any database clients wishing to write to the database file while a backup is being created must wait until the shared ... 
The SQLite Amalgamation
 ... And because all code is in a single translation unit, compilers can do better inter-procedure and inlining optimization resulting in machine code that is between 5% and 10% faster. 2. The SQLite Amalgamation The SQLite library consists of 111 ... 


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