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50 events by user stephan occurring around 2020-08-16 03:43:49.

03:17 Reply: The article "35% Faster Than The Filesystem" needs filesystem specification artifact: 1b42db0445 user: stephan
11:03 Reply: VACUUM temp directory artifact: ecb3130425 user: stephan
15:26 Reply: Create table with column artifact: c8c39e581f user: stephan
17:20 Reply: joining tables on multiple conditions; how to do it when second table lacks some rows? artifact: 3f4e0fb0ff user: stephan
16:53 Reply: DB Browser for SQLite artifact: c6f64b15c7 user: stephan
14:53 Reply: out of memory artifact: d5d0d8d5db user: stephan
13:18 Reply: TEMP database file artifact: b1b9a9fc5a user: stephan
13:16 Reply: Interesting project https://github.com/facebookincubator/CG-SQL artifact: 09904006ca user: stephan
18:48 Reply: SQLite: B tree and B+ tree artifact: a8243a7ac8 user: stephan
10:08 Reply: executable file artifact: 971632e8c6 user: stephan
00:19 Reply: Is data in the OS buffers faster to read? artifact: 7aa3d1baff user: stephan
12:26 Reply: bug report: table data display error when importing text file encoding utf-16le, utf-16be using .import command artifact: 9e19b07f62 user: stephan
12:24 Reply: extension-functions.c - pre-compiled Windows Binary artifact: cf794051a0 user: stephan
11:44 Reply: extension-functions.c - pre-compiled Windows Binary artifact: 965ecebfc3 user: stephan
11:07 Reply: extension-functions.c - pre-compiled Windows Binary artifact: 8b46d18628 user: stephan
19:56 Reply: Unexpected behaviour of the json_valid function and .json mode in CLI artifact: 0ea6c213ce user: stephan
11:56 Reply: Can Richard do some YouTube videos explaining transaction implementation? artifact: 25340b304f user: stephan
20:34 Reply: Can Richard do some YouTube videos explaining transaction implementation? artifact: d82ab3df97 user: stephan
10:06 Reply: Allow only SELECT statements in a read-write database (is EXPLAIN a good practice?) artifact: 8795525ee7 user: stephan
12:39 Post: lemon.html patch for typos and HTML compliance artifact: e98bd0fc57 user: stephan
11:25 Edit reply: SQLite CLI - What is the maximum length of a command? artifact: 4e95ce7100 user: stephan
11:19 Reply: SQLite CLI - What is the maximum length of a command? artifact: 68bd8660e7 user: stephan
08:52 Reply: App using SQlite C API faces segmentation fault artifact: 4d39315902 user: stephan
00:31 Reply: How to render utf8 with DBI::SQLite artifact: d9c4819b09 user: stephan
03:43 Reply: should use eaccess instead of access to check temporary file directory artifact: bf6271887e user: stephan
22:56 Reply: How is a table with only primary key stored on disk? artifact: dfcbd7cdca user: stephan
02:35 Reply: Perl backup of database artifact: 504d1e9631 user: stephan
02:12 Edit reply: Perl backup of database artifact: 8f061d7a36 user: stephan
02:11 Reply: Perl backup of database artifact: 8d2fba8019 user: stephan
13:05 Reply: URL for downloading latest version artifact: abb54f07dd user: stephan
00:22 Reply: Downloads failing for 3320100 -- update artifact: a1d1a8c8ae user: stephan
15:21 Reply: Need help building a custom amalgamation artifact: 1b207144a6 user: stephan
20:45 Reply: Please fix CVE-2020-15358 artifact: 0a1b9b6031 user: stephan
20:28 Reply: Please fix CVE-2020-15358 artifact: aead0b8d0a user: stephan
22:59 Post: Order by after a union fails when a function is used in the order by artifact: b688ca4ee7 user: stephan
14:39 Reply: alter table "table" add column "name" varchar not null throws Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL artifact: 62416c35b0 user: stephan
05:48 Reply: Crash while sqlite3_prepare_v2 with signal SIGFPE in SQLite version 3.31.01 artifact: 19a106df2e user: stephan
17:48 Edit reply: Possible bug in .read when a directory is specified? artifact: 2e3990d86b user: stephan
17:43 Edit reply: Possible bug in .read when a directory is specified? artifact: 0f2134a219 user: stephan
17:37 Reply: Possible bug in .read when a directory is specified? artifact: a36dcbef66 user: stephan
18:06 Reply: how to check update statement really modify a record artifact: 0744dd81dc user: stephan
17:58 Reply: Possible bug in .read when a directory is specified? artifact: 7a10ca518d user: stephan
17:07 Reply: how to check update statement really modify a record artifact: 49284abed2 user: stephan
16:18 Reply: how to check update statement really modify a record artifact: c7ab1357f2 user: stephan
23:58 Reply: how to check update statement really modify a record artifact: 9bc993e320 user: stephan
17:40 Reply: how to check update statement really modify a record artifact: c7d049eb72 user: stephan
17:32 Reply: System.Data.SQLite.Core for .Net artifact: 36bc5f5fb2 user: stephan
14:53 Reply: how to check update statement really modify a record artifact: 51b803fa78 user: stephan
06:13 Edit reply: .selecttrace unknown and strange errors artifact: 282b24bf62 user: stephan
06:11 Reply: .selecttrace unknown and strange errors artifact: 77705c7fd6 user: stephan