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9 most recent events occurring on or after 2021-07-28 14:18:38.

19:35 Post: MIN()/MAX() performance thought (artifact: 5c37851472 user: anonymous)
18:54 Reply: Entries seen in WAL missing when reading DB (artifact: dcf5ba42db user: dan)
17:18 Reply: Need x64 Download (artifact: 6ebbca5078 user: anonymous)
16:15 Reply: Searching in text columns with Unicode folding (artifact: f6ef51f436 user: w.oertl)
14:27 Edit: documenting SQLite's "IS" behavior (artifact: 6da74fdaa4 user: rmariani)
14:25 Edit: documenting SQLite's "IS" behavior (artifact: 0209e6ef87 user: rmariani)
14:20 Edit: documenting SQLite's "IS" behavior (artifact: f5c045abd6 user: rmariani)
14:19 Edit: documenting SQLite's "IS" behavior (artifact: 6cf1a96a2c user: rmariani)
14:18 Edit: documenting SQLite's "IS" behavior (artifact: 6bb46d011c user: rmariani)