SQLite Forum

row value misuse

row value misuse

(1) By beetlejuice (coleifer) on 2021-07-05 18:08:59 [link] [source]

I was hoping someone could help me understand the rules around using row values and the VALUES keyword. I am having a little trouble understanding what is and isn't allowed.

Starting with a simple table containing a key, value:

create table kv (key text, val integer);
insert into kv (key, val) values ('k1', 1), ('k2', 2), ('k3', 3);

The following works with Sqlite:

select * from kv
where (key, val) = ('k1', 1);

The following seems to work in Postgres, but Sqlite is reporting "row value misused":

select * from kv
where (key, val) in (('k1', 1), ('k3', 3));

The following works in both Postgres and Sqlite:

select * from kv
where (key, val) in (values ('k1', 1), ('k3', 3));

Another thing I have seen done is to join on a list of values, which works well in Postgres, but Sqlite reports a syntax error near "(":

select * 
from kv 
inner join (values ('k1', 1), ('k3', 3)) as bar("k", "v")
  on kv.key = bar.k and kv.val = bar.v;

The following, unsurprising, also works in Postgres but not Sqlite:

select *
from kv, (values ('k1', 1), ('k3', 3)) as bar(k, v)
where (kv.key = bar.k AND kv.val = bar.v);

Moving it into a CTE works in both Postgres and Sqlite:

with bar(k, v) as (values ('k1', 1), ('k3', 3))
select * from kv
inner join bar 
  on (kv.key = bar.k and kv.val = bar.v);

My questions are:

  • When should one use plain row-values versus VALUES?
  • Why does (key, val) = ('k1', 1) work but (key, val) IN (('k1', 1)...) not?
  • Are there ways of constructing the above type of query which would be better or more idiomatic with Sqlite?

Thank you in advance for the help.

(2) By Harald Hanche-Olsen (hanche) on 2021-07-06 13:31:03 in reply to 1 [source]

I am not an expert or authority, but here is my understanding of the issue, as far as it goes. If I am wildly off target, someone will hopefully correct me.

  • A comma-separated list of expressions in parenthesis usually signifies a row value, or tuple.
  • A VALUES expression is a special select statement, and as such produces a sequence of rows. Even if that sequence contains precisely one row, it is something different from a row value.
  • A row value can contain any of the datatypes allowed by SQLite. Note that a row value is not among these; hence ((1,2,),(3,4)) is illegal.

The following seems to work in Postgres, but Sqlite is reporting "row value misused":

select * from kv
where (key, val) in (('k1', 1), ('k3', 3));

That is not so clear-cut. What's on the right side of WHERE … IN (…) is not an expression but a parenthesised list of expressions, so arguably, a list of row values could have been legitimate according to these rules. Perhaps it would be useful; but OTOH, the alternative to a list of expressions is a select statement, and VALUES is of course a select statement, so that will always work.

Another thing I have seen done is to join on a list of values, which works well in Postgres, but Sqlite reports a syntax error near "(":

select * 
from kv 
inner join (values ('k1', 1), ('k3', 3)) as bar("k", "v")
  on kv.key = bar.k and kv.val = bar.v;

I am not sure why that does not work in SQLite. The syntax diagrams seem to allow it.

(3) By mzm2021 on 2021-07-06 14:13:41 in reply to 2 [link] [source]

SQLite does not accept temporary column names in a table/view alias.

That's why it is reporting a syntax error near the left parenthesis of:

… as bar("k", "v")

PostgresSQL docs describe aliases with column names in:


But the SQLite syntax diagram of the FROM clause does not allow such a syntax:


(4) By Harald Hanche-Olsen (hanche) on 2021-07-06 15:27:55 in reply to 3 [link] [source]

Ah, that explains it.

I do wish for more context in SQLite error messages sometimes. I mean, just adding a few characters, say “near "("k","” would be a lot more helpful than “near "("”.