SQLite Forum

Feature Request : Get table name alias from prepared statement
I was going to track down sqlite mailing list messages that relate; so I wouldn't have to repeat myself, but found that the mailing list archives aren't public, so, that's not really viable.

Please do consider extending [the family of functions](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_database_name.html) to get statement names to include a method to get the alias of a table name from a query.  The only thing one can get now is the original table name.

const char *sqlite3_column_database_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
const void *sqlite3_column_database_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
const char *sqlite3_column_table_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
const void *sqlite3_column_table_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
const char *sqlite3_column_origin_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
const void *sqlite3_column_origin_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int);

really needs to include

const char *sqlite3_column_table_alias(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
const void *sqlite3_column_table_alias16(sqlite3_stmt*,int);