SQLite User Forum

missing sqlite.interop.dll

missing sqlite.interop.dll

(1) By Fox243 on 2021-09-16 19:38:27 [link] [source]

I’m updating a .net 4.8 app to .net 6 to try to get it to work on win-arm664
I’ve got it updated to .net 6 everything works good on x86 and x64
but when I compile for win.arm64

"dotnet publish -r win10-arm64 -c Release --self-contained false -p:PublishedTrimmed=false"

and install on arm it gives an Event Viewer error of the unable to load dll 'sqlite.interop.dll'
now in the past with that issue. it just wasn’t moving the dll to build dir. so you move it yourself. but in this case of arm. I’m not sure which one to bring. cause its preview build of .net 6 if you add the dll. you get the error system.BadImageFormatException which by my understanding is it’s not the right framework for it to work. Sorry if this is a dumb question/issue. But iv looked up other fixes and none seem to do the trick.

(2) By Larry Brasfield (larrybr) on 2021-09-16 20:07:31 in reply to 1 [source]

I'm extrapolating from sparse input here, so more detail would help if this surmise is wrong: I suspect that you have attempted to use a SQLite.Interop.dll that was built for the Intel/AMD x86/x64 CPUs rather than for Arm CPUs. (And the DLL is not really "missing" as your thread title suggests; it is not loadable and the one that would be loadable is not yet present.)

I do not know where you will find the Arm-targeted DLL already built. You may have to build it from source.