SQLite Forum

incremental_vacuum and WAL size
Thanks for your explanation, makes sense to me :)

I tried your suggestion of bumping the `cache_size` in my test script and your theory checks out.

For anyone interested:
For the single big incremental vacuum:

    Page Count: 24482 Freelist Count: 24206
    Starting one big incremental vacuum
    Total pages written to WAL: 247 Total pages moved to DB: 247
    Page Count: 247 Freelist Count: 0

And for repeated small vacuums:

    Page Count: 24482 Freelist Count: 24206
    Starting 122 calls to incremental_vacuum with 200 pages
    Total pages written to WAL: 544 Total pages moved to DB: 544
    Page Count: 247 Freelist Count: 0