SQLite Forum

Reload WAL when modified by outside process
There is no supported way to do this.

But if that does not deter you, one way is to put the db in "PRAGMA journal_mode = delete" (so there is no wal file). Copy the *-wal next to the db. The next time any existing connection reads from the db file it will automatically switch to wal mode and read from the db and the new wal file. Everything will proceed as normal.

Thing is, the db won't switch back to rollback journal mode until the last connection closes the db and deletes the wal file. So you could only do this once without closing all connections.

If the db is already in wal mode, you would have to: (a) make sure there is no content in the current wal file (b) copy the contents of your wal file over the top of the current wal file and (c) zero the first few bytes of the *-shm file. Step (c) will force the next reader to run recovery and thereby pick up on the new wal file content.
