SQLite Forum

FILTER clause with window functions
I formed an sql query where I want to calculate the difference between two time stamps of two different events and for that I need to use the `filter` clause for this one and `last_value()`.

**I request improvements for the window (aggregate?) function `first_value()` and the relaxed usage of the `FILTER clause`.**

What needs to be done to make these two window functions become window **aggregate** functions, which can be used together with the filter clause? They are not listed as window scalar functions but also do not work like described as window aggregate functions.

The following column definition works fine and is doing what I expect it to do.


>,case when Sent
>       then csv(  group_concat(TStamp,'|') filter(where Client or QueueIndex) over ( rows between 500 preceding and 1 preceding) ,-1,'|')
>       end as FromTime1

(My extension function `csv(TEXT,-1)` takes the last field from the concatenated string. `group_concat()` as a window aggregate function is working fine.

But the following should do the same much easier without having to create a long string.

Not working:

>,case when Sent
>       then last_value(TStamp) filter(where Client or QueueIndex) over ( rows between 500 preceding and 1 preceding )
>       end as FromTime2

But I get following error:

> 1:FILTER clause may only be used with aggregate window functions


* Why are `last_value()` and `first_value()` not also window aggregate functions?
* Why can they not be used together with the `filter` clause ?
* Can the `filter` clause not be enabled for any window function?

To give some more background:

* Within a `with clause` framed query I read a log file in text format line by line from one of my virtual table extensions.
* Field extractions are done by use of some of my scalar extension functions.
* Then the calculation happens on that table (MATERIALIZED or not does not make any difference in results)
* I often do this type of text file analysis but it is the first time I try to do the calculatinos with the `WINDOW clauses`.

If the `first_value()` would accept the `FILTER clause` and if I search through the `frame spec` descendent then my most recent previous timestamp would be found fastest. The Window frame scan could be finished with the first occurance of a non-Null value which goes into the first_value() aggregate function instead of having to scan the whole frame, which in my case could be up to 500 rows earlier but is usually just 5 rows before the current row.

My next approach should be something like the following, where I also try to influence the window scan direction from CURRENT ROW backwards to the frame start and stop early each window frame scan with the first non-NULL filter match:

>,case when Sent
>       then TStamp - first_value(TStamp) filter(where Client or QueueIndex) over ( order by Line desc rows between 1 preceding and 500 preceding )
>       end as Duration

Result example:

sqlite> select Line,Time,TStamp,Client,QueueIndex,Sent,Duration from ViewMessageSequence limit 45 offset 100;
│ Line │        Time         │     TStamp     │  Client   │ QueueIndex │  Sent   │ Duration │
│ 719  │ 20210618.153515.666 │ 1624037715.666 │           │            │         │          │
│ 720  │ 20210618.153515.668 │ 1624037715.668 │           │            │         │          │
│ 723  │ 20210618.153515.668 │ 1624037715.668 │           │            │         │          │
│ 724  │ 20210618.153515.670 │ 1624037715.67  │           │            │         │          │
│ 725  │ 20210618.153515.670 │ 1624037715.67  │           │            │ 211/211 │ 0.004    │
│ 727  │ 20210618.153517.675 │ 1624037717.675 │ │            │         │          │
│ 757  │ 20210618.153517.675 │ 1624037717.675 │           │            │         │          │
│ 758  │ 20210618.153517.676 │ 1624037717.676 │           │            │         │          │
│ 759  │ 20210618.153517.676 │ 1624037717.676 │           │            │         │          │
│ 760  │ 20210618.153517.676 │ 1624037717.676 │           │            │         │          │
│ 761  │ 20210618.153517.677 │ 1624037717.677 │           │            │         │          │
│ 765  │ 20210618.153517.677 │ 1624037717.677 │           │            │         │          │
│ 766  │ 20210618.153517.679 │ 1624037717.679 │           │            │         │          │
│ 767  │ 20210618.153517.679 │ 1624037717.679 │           │            │ 279/279 │ 0.004    │
│ 769  │ 20210618.153517.881 │ 1624037717.881 │ │            │         │          │
│ 783  │ 20210618.153517.881 │ 1624037717.881 │           │            │         │          │
│ 784  │ 20210618.153517.881 │ 1624037717.881 │           │            │         │          │
│ 785  │ 20210618.153517.883 │ 1624037717.883 │           │            │         │          │
│ 787  │ 20210618.153517.883 │ 1624037717.883 │           │            │         │          │
│ 788  │ 20210618.153517.885 │ 1624037717.885 │           │            │         │          │
│ 789  │ 20210618.153517.885 │ 1624037717.885 │           │            │ 144/144 │ 0.004    │
│ 793  │ 20210618.153519.590 │ 1624037719.59  │           │ 125        │         │          │
│ 794  │ 20210618.153519.590 │ 1624037719.59  │           │            │         │          │
│ 800  │ 20210618.153519.590 │ 1624037719.59  │           │            │         │          │
│ 801  │ 20210618.153519.593 │ 1624037719.593 │           │            │         │          │
│ 802  │ 20210618.153519.593 │ 1624037719.593 │           │            │ 500/500 │ 0.003    │
│ 803  │ 20210618.153519.593 │ 1624037719.593 │           │ 126        │         │          │
│ 804  │ 20210618.153519.593 │ 1624037719.593 │           │            │         │          │
│ 806  │ 20210618.153519.593 │ 1624037719.593 │           │            │         │          │
│ 807  │ 20210618.153519.595 │ 1624037719.595 │           │            │         │          │
│ 808  │ 20210618.153519.595 │ 1624037719.595 │           │            │ 222/222 │ 0.002    │
│ 811  │ 20210618.153519.696 │ 1624037719.696 │           │ 127        │         │          │
│ 812  │ 20210618.153519.696 │ 1624037719.696 │           │            │         │          │
│ 818  │ 20210618.153519.696 │ 1624037719.696 │           │            │         │          │
│ 819  │ 20210618.153519.743 │ 1624037719.743 │           │            │         │          │
│ 820  │ 20210618.153519.744 │ 1624037719.744 │           │            │ 501/501 │ 0.048    │
│ 822  │ 20210618.153519.944 │ 1624037719.944 │ │            │         │          │
│ 852  │ 20210618.153519.944 │ 1624037719.944 │           │            │         │          │
│ 853  │ 20210618.153519.944 │ 1624037719.944 │           │            │         │          │
│ 854  │ 20210618.153519.944 │ 1624037719.944 │           │            │         │          │
│ 855  │ 20210618.153519.944 │ 1624037719.944 │           │            │         │          │
│ 856  │ 20210618.153519.947 │ 1624037719.947 │           │            │         │          │
│ 860  │ 20210618.153519.947 │ 1624037719.947 │           │            │         │          │
│ 861  │ 20210618.153520.047 │ 1624037720.047 │           │            │         │          │
│ 862  │ 20210618.153520.047 │ 1624037720.047 │           │            │ 295/295 │ 0.103    │