SQLite Forum

long runtime for sqlite3_prepare_v2
Thanks both of you for replying for my questions

Fair enough. I was vague enough to deserve the comments.

Here are more details and the code which I believe pretty straightforward

We are trying to send maximum number of pairs, (one integer and one text) in one transaction. ( FVIdx, hashkey are the corresponding names of the item in the pair in the following code section) 

We use the SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER (=32768 in our case) to create the INSERT command as following. We end up with 16383 rows.

In this case, the prepare call takes 10-20 secs depending on the machine ( we tried 5+ different machines BTW)

// 16383 rows
size_t keyRowsPerInsert = (size_t) (sqlite3_limit( pDB, SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER, -1) / 2);
// INSERT command string , Note that KEYTABLE is the name of the table    
const char *tuple_sep = "";
stringstream keySqlStream;

keySqlStream << "INSERT INTO KEYTABLE (FVIdx,hashkey) VALUES ";
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < keyRowsPerInsert; ++idx) {
     keySqlStream << tuple_sep << "(@J" << idx << ", @KEY" << idx << ")";
     tuple_sep = ",";
keySqlStream << ";";
std::string keySqlStr = keySqlStream.str();

// prepare the statement
 sqlite3_prepare_v3(pDB,  keySqlStr.c_str(), -1, SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT, &feat_stmt, NULL);