SQLite Forum

SQLite FTS5 table with 7 rows has _fts_docsize table with 9,141 rows
I'm seeing a weird issue with some of the SQLite databases that I am using with the FTS5 module.

I have a database with a `licenses` table that contains 7 rows: <https://github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net/github/licenses>

I created a `licenses_fts` table for this using the following SQL:

That table also has 7 rows: <https://github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net/github/licenses_fts>

Somehow the accompanying `licenses_fts_docsize` shadow table now has 9,141 rows in it! <https://github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net/github/licenses_fts_docsize>

And `licenses_fts_data` has 41 rows - should I expect that to have 7 rows? <https://github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net/github/licenses_fts_data>

Anyone got any ideas what's going on here? The full database (22MB) can be downloaded from <https://github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net/github.db>

I have a hunch that it might be a problem with the triggers. These are the triggers that are updating that FTS table: <https://github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net/github?sql=select+*+from+sqlite_master+where+type+%3D+%27trigger%27+and+tbl_name+%3D+%27licenses%27>

| type | name | tbl_name | rootpage | sql |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| trigger | licenses_ai | licenses | 0 | `CREATE TRIGGER [licenses_ai] AFTER INSERT ON [licenses] BEGIN INSERT INTO [licenses_fts] (rowid, [name]) VALUES (new.rowid, new.[name]); END` |
| trigger | licenses_ad | licenses | 0 | `CREATE TRIGGER [licenses_ad] AFTER DELETE ON [licenses] BEGIN INSERT INTO [licenses_fts] ([licenses_fts], rowid, [name]) VALUES('delete', old.rowid, old.[name]); END` |
| trigger | licenses_au | licenses | 0 | `CREATE TRIGGER [licenses_au] AFTER UPDATE ON [licenses] BEGIN INSERT INTO [licenses_fts] ([licenses_fts], rowid, [name]) VALUES('delete', old.rowid, old.[name]); INSERT INTO [licenses_fts] (rowid, [name]) VALUES (new.rowid, new.[name]); END` |