SQLite Forum

App using SQlite C API faces segmentation fault

I've an application writing log data to a SQLite3 database. Randomly, reason why I'm not able to reproduce the issue when needed, I'm facing app crash with segmentation fault. I succeeded to generate a SEGV dump which shows the following 2 traces.

I posting this as I'm trying to figure out what is the root cause for weeks but still struggling to solve. 

# 1) sqlite3ExprListDup Trace
> `ip 0x7fff797b5b5d: _sigtramp+0x1d
ip 0x7fff787b11d7: sqlite3ExprListDup+0x127
ip 0x7fff787b5e62: sqlite3SelectDup+0x132
ip 0x7fff787848af: selectExpander+0x4df
ip 0x7fff787842f1: sqlite3WalkSelect+0x31
ip 0x7fff7885a87a: sqlite3SelectPrep+0x8a
ip 0x7fff7877a7be: sqlite3Select+0x28e
ip 0x7fff7874e28a: yy_reduce+0x10ca
ip 0x7fff7874b658: sqlite3RunParser+0x218
ip 0x7fff78749d0a: sqlite3LockAndPrepare+0x48a
ip 0x7fff787d61e7: sqlite3_prepare_v2+0xf7
ip 0x10ac75422: Connector::sqlite3Driver::executeDQL(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&)+0x82`

# 2) sqlite3WhereBegin Trace
> `ip 0x7fff69eb5b5d: _sigtramp+0x1d
ip 0x7fff68e8b804: sqlite3WhereBegin+0x1424
ip 0x7fff68e7da0f: sqlite3Select+0x34df
ip 0x7fff68f6010f: multiSelectOrderBy+0xcef
ip 0x7fff68e7d24e: sqlite3Select+0x2d1e
ip 0x7fff68e7caaa: sqlite3Select+0x257a
ip 0x7fff68e4e28a: yy_reduce+0x10ca
ip 0x7fff68e4b658: sqlite3RunParser+0x218
ip 0x7fff68e49d0a: sqlite3LockAndPrepare+0x48a
ip 0x7fff68ed61e7: sqlite3_prepare_v2+0xf7
ip 0x100996432: Connector::sqlite3Driver::executeDQL(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&)+0x82`

The ***first trace*** occurs on **INSERT** statements into table that contains 6 columns. I found on the Web similar cases (Firefox) resulting from a bug prior to SQlite version 3.18.x and that was corrected as from this version.
The ***second trace*** occurs on **SELECT** statement from the same table.

The environment is C++11 on MacOSX with sqlite-3.22.0 C API.

The log database is a one table structure.
# Table DDL
                                sourcename TEXT NOT NULL,
                                sourceipaddress TEXT NOT NULL,
                                stimestamp TEXT NOT NULL,
                                qtimestamp TEXT NOT NULL,
                                severity INTEGER NOT NULL,
                                content TEXT NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_uuid ON log (uuid);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_stimestamp ON log (stimestamp);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_qtimestamp ON log (qtimestamp);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_severity ON log (severity);`

When inserting data into the log table, the app executes **INSERT** statements by lot (50 rows) using a wrapper and ensures **TRANSACTION BEGIN** and **COMMIT/ROLLBACK**.
# Application source code extract
> `[public] const bool Connector::open(const std::string& dbName, sqlite3 *dbConnection) {
    int      connStatus   = sqlite3_open("log.db", &dbConnection);
    if (connStatus == SQLITE_OK) {
        return true;
        ... //Wrapper maintains the connection to the SQLite database
    else {
        return false;
[public] const bool Connector::startTransac() {
[public] const bool Connector::commitTransac() {
[public] const bool Connector::rollbackTransac() {
[public] const int Connector::executeDQL(const std::string& queryStmt) {
    if (queryStmt.find("SELECT ") >= 0) {
        sqlite3_stmt    *statement    = nullptr;
        int              sqLiteResult = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbConnection, queryStmt.c_str(), -1, &statement, NULL);
        if (sqLiteResult == SQLITE_OK) {
            sqLiteResult = sqlite3_step(statement);
            sqLiteResult = sqlite3_finalize(statement);
        return sqLiteResult;
    else {
        return this->executeDML(queryStmt);
[public] const int Connector::executeDML(const std::string& queryStmt) {
    char    *errorMsg = 0;
    int      sqLiteResult = sqlite3_exec(dbConnection, queryStmt.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, &_errorMessage);
    if (sqLiteResult == SQLITE_OK) {
        sqLiteResult = sqlite3_changes(dbConnection);
    return sqLiteResult

The application is _multi-threaded_ with mutex lockers but the connector class is a _singleton_ not allowing concurrent calls.

Any help or suggestion to solve my issue would so much appreciated.