SQLite Forum

SQLite3 shell doing math operation on parameter substitution
Thank you for update !

I'm really appreciated for your time and patience with my English, but I think the truth deserved it.

I suggest also to remove misleading sentence:
**"SQLite allows bound parameters to appear in an SQL statement anywhere that a literal value is allowed. The values for these parameters are set using the sqlite3_bind_...() family of APIs. "**

from: https://sqlite.org/cli.html#sql_parameters

because it isn't true for [CLI](https://sqlite.org/cli.html), there no calls to **`sqlite3_bind_...()`** functions before running this:


zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
    "REPLACE INTO temp.sqlite_parameters(key,value)"
    "VALUES(%Q,%s);", zKey, zValue); /* Substitute unsanitazed zValue as */
                                     /* a plain string to %s that might  */
                                     /* be an SQL injection */


As of now, true binding of VALUE to KEY isn't working and lead to dangerous assumption that it is save mechanism that can be used in prepared statements.