SQLite Forum

SQLite3 Extension
As Keith asks, dumpbin will show what your extension's init function was really called. Then you can compare that to the name that is generated when you do not specify it in the load extension operation, as documented [in section 4, here](https://sqlite.org/loadext.html).

You say you "compiled with these files ...", without leaving any clue as to what that means.  The build guidance [in section 3, here](https://sqlite.org/loadext.html) shows one possible meaning, known to produce a usable result. If you are doing something else, a careful study of how that differs from the guidance will likely be instructive. If you are using the Visual Studio IDE, you can see in one of its plethora of window panes how the command-line tools are actually being invoked. That likely differs in some critical manner from the guidance.