SQLite Forum

Breadth-first graph traversal
Say I have a graph like:

2 3


stored in a sqlite database as:

create table edges(fromNode integer, toNode integer);
insert into edges(fromNode, toNode) values
 (1, 2),
 (1, 3),
 (2, 4),
 (3, 4),
 (5, 6);

I would like to generate a table of the breadth-first traversal of this graph  from a specific starting node.

I can currently do this using a recursive cte and then performing an aggregate query grouping on the id __outside__ of the recursive cte

with recursive
 bfs_tree(id, parent, distance) as (
  select 1, NULL, 0
  union all
  select edges.toNode, bfs_tree.id, bfs_tree.distance + 1
  from edges, bfs_tree
  where edges.fromNode = bfs_tree.id
  order by 3
select id, parent, min(distance) from bfs_tree
group by id;

but this is very slow for larger graphs because the same nodes are being visited multiple times when there are multiple paths to a given node.

Is there any way to avoid revisiting nodes __inside__ the recursive cte?

Thanks in advance