SQLite Forum

sqlite-gui application
csv export is no longer double spaced for Windows, but why the semicolon to separate the records? Is that more common to use than a comma?

1;Steelheart;Brandon Sanderson;978-0385743563;5.0;3
2;All Our Yesterdays;Cristin Terrill;978-1423176374;7.3;10
3;Life After Life;Jill McCorkle;978-1616203221;2.82;4
4;Life After Life;Kate Atkinson;978-0316176491;8.1;5
5;Foundation;Isaac Asimov;978-0553293357;12.7;8
6;Dracula;Bram Stoker;978-0486411095;6.6;0

I like when data is queried with a right-click on a table, it opens in a new results tab, but find it not intuitive the query is placed in the same editor tab. Would you consider having the new query open a new editor tab with the new query?