SQLite Forum

libsqlite3 update
In Ubuntu 18.04,version of libsqlite3 default 3.22, but for Drupal 9, I need libsqlite3 3.26 or greater.

I've pulled source code from `git://git.build2.org/packaging/sqlite/sqlite.git` and used bpkg to install libsqlite3 by `bpkg install -g libsqlite3`.

But I got error:
    info: Install /bpkg/libsqlite3/master from remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com [https://github.com]
    warn: package.json doesn`t exist
    warn: Makefile not found, skipping remote: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bpkg/libsqlite3/master
    error: package not found on any remote

Could some body help me to upgrade libsqlite3?