SQLite Forum

Trying to "Open Database" Safari History.db file and get Error: "could not open safari database file reason: unable to open..
Works find for me when I use the Command Line Shell provided by the sqlite3 team.

Quit Safari.  Copy the History.db file somewhere else.  (You can restart Safari now if you want.)  Open the copy you made with the sqlite3:

<pre>simon@183 Desktop % sqlite3 History.db
SQLite version 3.36.0 2021-06-18 18:58:49
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .mode table
sqlite> SELECT * FROM history_items LIMIT 3;
|   id   |                  url                  | domain_expansion | visit_count | daily_visit_counts | weekly_visit_counts | autocomplete_triggers | should_recompute_derived_visit_counts | visit_count_score | status_code |
| 201295 | https://slashdot.org/                 |                  | 7197        | ?                  | a???                |                       | 1                                     | 5100              | 0           |
| 201315 | https://news.ycombinator.com/         | news.ycombinator | 4837        | ?                  |                     |                       | 1                                     | 5100              | 0           |
| 201321 | https://www.reddit.com/               | reddit           | 11152       | }                  | `	             |                       | 0                                     | 5920              | 0           |
sqlite> .quit</pre>