SQLite Forum

I read the error messages carefully and try to find various solutions, so I try various ways, but I have little knowledge and I am trying to get an idea of what I can do from here.

The mistake is here and now I am sure of it. But I don't know what to do and I've been looking for a solution for days to solve this

cur.execute("INSERT INTO Visitors (NAME, PHONE, COMPANY, PERSON, EXPLANATION, CARD_NO, DATE, GIRIS_SAATI, CIKIS_SAATI) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (VisitorsName, VisitorsPhone, VisitorsCompany, VisitorsPersonDepartment, VisitorsExplanation, VisitorsCardNo, VisitorsDate, VisitorsIn, VisitorsOut))

How can I make this field work properly?