SQLite Forum

Feature request: Stored Procedures
Easy enough to do with a sqlite library..

import {sack} from "sack.vfs"
const db = sack.Sqlite( "database.db" );

db.function( "add_person", addPerson );
const success = db.do( "select add_person(?,?,?,?) f", 1,'first last','home','555-1212' ) ;
if( !success[0].f ) {
   // failed to insert somehow...

function addPerson(pid,name,address,phone)=>{
   try {
      db.do( "insert into people(pid,name,address) values(?,?,?)", pid,name,address));
      db.do( "INSERT INTO phones(pid,phone) values(?,?)", pid,phone ) ;
      return 1;
   } catch(err) {
      return 0;


though - that just ends up as part of the library of the app...