SQLite Forum

BUG - SQLite Crash: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x54)
(To OP: This is repro for the bug that demonstrates the problem with v3.31.0 and not with v3.32.0 (nearing release.))

Create a file, aeroxr\_crash\_schema.sql, reading:

CREATE TABLE [a_customerbase] (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,json TEXT);
CREATE INDEX Quote__entity_customer_customerId_index ON Quote (CAST (json_extract([json], '$.entity.customer.customerId') AS TEXT));
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Quote__localId_index ON [Quote](CAST(json_extract(json,'$.localId') AS TEXT));
CREATE INDEX Quote__localLinks_entity_customer_customerId_index ON Quote (CAST (json_extract([json], '$.localLinks."entity.customer.customerId"') AS TEXT));
CREATE INDEX Quote__remoteId_index ON [Quote](CAST(json_extract(json,'$.remoteId') AS TEXT));
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX a_customerbase__localId_index ON [a_customerbase](CAST(json_extract(json,'$.localId') AS TEXT));
CREATE INDEX a_customerbase__remoteId_index ON [a_customerbase](CAST(json_extract(json,'$.remoteId') AS TEXT));

Create a file, aeroxr\_crash\_query.sql, reading:

SELECT      CAST(json_extract([a_customerbase].[json], '$.remoteId') AS TEXT) AS remoteid,
CAST (json_extract([Quote].[json], '$.entity.customer.customerId') AS TEXT) as customerId,
CAST (json_extract([a_customerbase].[json], '$.localId') AS TEXT) as custmerLocalId,
CAST (json_extract([Quote].[json], '$.localLinks."entity.customer.customerId"') AS TEXT) as localLinksCustomerID
FROM      [a_customerbase]
ON        (( CAST (json_extract([a_customerbase].[json], '$.remoteId') AS TEXT) IS NOT NULL
AND CAST (json_extract([a_customerbase].[json], '$.remoteId') AS TEXT) = CAST (json_extract([Quote].[json], '$.entity.customer.customerId') AS TEXT))
CAST (json_extract([a_customerbase].[json], '$.localId') AS TEXT) = CAST (json_extract([Quote].[json], '$.localLinks."entity.customer.customerId"') AS TEXT))

WHERE     CAST (json_extract([a_customerbase].[json], '$.remoteId') AS TEXT) in (4832);

In the shell, enter commands:

.read aeroxr_crash_schema.sql
.read aeroxr_crash_query.sql

In the v3.32.0 pre-release of a few days ago, (SQLite 3.32.0 2020-04-23 20:45:46 65c6c26bb48d5347ce53bb3607de3a03a5a03946b232d35e46a20533f867alt2), the above schema and query does not cause a crash on Windows 10.

In the v3.31.1 release of 3 months ago, (SQLite 3.31.1 2020-01-27 19:55:54 3bfa9cc97da10598521b342961df8f5f68c7388fa117345eeb516eaa837bb4d6), they produce some kind of address fault on Windows 10.

Full disclosure: Testing of v3.32.0 was with a modified shell. I doubt that has anything to do with this problem, as the library code is unchanged except for applying the change of the last trunk check-in yesterday, b73d9a7d6f .

Amendment 1:

Testing some previous versions, v3.25.0 and v3.26.0 do not crash with above. v3.27.0 and higher thru v3.31.1 do crash with it.