SQLite Forum

.expert Error: ON clause references tables to its right

This SQLite code works as it should on v3.36.0 on the sqlite3 tool (or, at least, it does what I want :-)):

WITH LastEntries (ProjID, pl_insert, pe_insert)
  SELECT projid,
         (SELECT max(insertdate) FROM project_extras where projid = e.projid)
    FROM project_list e
    GROUP BY projid
SELECT c.CreatedDate AS Aug, a.Project_Type, a.ProjID
	FROM Project_List AS a 
	LEFT JOIN Project_Extras AS b ON b.ProjID == a.ProjID
		AND a.Project_Delivered != 'Yes'
		AND a.PMO_Board_Report != 'No' 
		AND a.Status == 'Acknowledged'
		AND a.InsertDate = f.pl_insert
		AND b.FinCarryOver != 'y'
		AND b.MonthlyRpt = 'y'
		AND b.BudgetYear = '2021'
	LEFT JOIN Project_Highlights AS c ON c.ProjID = b.ProjID
		AND c.CreatedDate LIKE '2021-%' 
	LEFT JOIN LastEntries AS f
    a.ProjID = f.projid
 	AND a.InsertDate = f.pl_insert
	AND b.InsertDate = f.pe_insert  
ORDER BY a.Manager, a.ProjID

But, .expert errors out with this:

SQLite version 3.36.0 2021-06-18 18:36:39
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .expert
sqlite> WITH LastEntries (ProjID, pl_insert, pe_insert)
   ...> AS
   ...> (
   ...>   SELECT projid,
   ...>          max(InsertDate),
   ...>          (SELECT max(insertdate) FROM project_extras where projid = e.projid)
   ...>     FROM project_list e
   ...>     GROUP BY projid
   ...>  )
   ...> SELECT c.CreatedDate AS Aug, a.Project_Type, a.ProjID
   ...> FROM Project_List AS a
   ...> LEFT JOIN Project_Extras AS b ON b.ProjID == a.ProjID
   ...> AND a.Project_Delivered != 'Yes'
   ...> AND a.PMO_Board_Report != 'No'
   ...> AND a.Status == 'Acknowledged'
   ...> AND a.InsertDate = f.pl_insert
   ...> AND b.FinCarryOver != 'y'
   ...> AND b.MonthlyRpt = 'y'
   ...> AND b.BudgetYear = '2021'
   ...> LEFT JOIN Project_Highlights AS c ON c.ProjID = b.ProjID
   ...> AND c.CreatedDate LIKE '2021-%'
   ...> LEFT JOIN LastEntries AS f
   ...> WHERE
   ...>     a.ProjID = f.projid
   ...>  AND a.InsertDate = f.pl_insert
   ...> AND b.InsertDate = f.pe_insert
   ...> ORDER BY a.Manager, a.ProjID
   ...> ;
Error: ON clause references tables to its right

One of them is right. Thoughts?  Thanks.
