SQLite Forum

URL for downloading latest version
> So the question is: is there a fixed URL from where I can download the latest official amalgamation?

To the best of my knowledge there is not: downloading it requires knowing both the version number and the release year.

To second your request, though, i have the same requirement and would also appreciate a link to "the latest" and/or the latest of a given minor version, rather than having to do something like:

# sqlite: Unfortunately, the download path for the sqlite3
# amalgamation build depends on the year, so we need both the version
# and the year here...
ARG sqliteVersion=3320300
ARG sqliteYear=2020
RUN test -d sqlite-amalgamation-${sqliteVersion} || { \
    wget -q https://sqlite.org/${sqliteYear}/sqlite-amalgamation-${sqliteVersion}.zip \
    && unzip sqlite-amalgamation-${sqliteVersion}.zip; \