SQLite Forum

Please avoid all use of the "LL" suffix for long-long integer literals
Thank you everyone for your very kind suggestions. :)

Unfortunately I am \<sigh\> using MFC so it isn't as simple as just finding a compiler that runs on Ubuntu.

I think I'll just live with changing four lines every 6 months or so, as I don't upgrade to the latest SQLite code as soon as it is released.

One suggestion though: Could the five constants in question be placed in a suitable place, guarded by #if defined(_MSC_VER) so that two versions could exist: one with LL and one without? Then the defined versions could be used in the code rather than the literal constants. The constants being:

 4294967296         //  2**32
 2251799813685248   //  2**51
-2251799813685248   // -2**51
 140737488355327    //  2**47 - 1
-140737488355328    // -2**47

Doing this looks better than using "magic numbers" in the code, and the comments could be used to explain why that number and not some other one.