SQLite Forum

CopySQLiteInteropFiles not working with dotnet build?
After upgrading to Visual Studio 16.10.2, CopySQLiteInteropFiles is working again for builds from within Visual Studio. Thanks to everyone who worked on that fix!

Unfortunately, it is NOT working for builds from the command line using `dotnet build`. A verbose log shows this:

12:58:36.624   2:9>Target "CopySQLiteInteropFiles: (TargetId:179)" in file "C:\Users\jbrecher\.nuget\packages\stub.system.data.sqlite.core.netframework\1.0.114\buildTransitive\net46\Stub.System.Data.SQLite.Core.NetFramework.targets" from project "C:\src\path\to\project.csproj" (target "Build" depends on it):
                   Skipping target "CopySQLiteInteropFiles" because it has no outputs.
                   Though the target has declared its outputs, the output specification only references empty properties and/or empty item lists.

This is the same thing that was reported for 16.10.0 at https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/after-installing-vs-v16100-build-target-no-longer/1432786. Do I need a separate upgrade to get `dotnet build` to work?