SQLite Forum

Hot backup database in WAL mode by coping
> My second concern: Does executing PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE); BEGIN IMMEDIATE; in a single statement make sure that the -wal file is fully committed, restarted and truncated when taking the backup? My concern are threads: While we use the database in Serialized mode, I am not sure if the internals of SQLite guarantee that the above two commands are executed in sequence or if they potentially could be separated (e.g. by another statement from another thread).

Yes.  Each statement is independent and executed in the order received.

If you have 1 million connections to the database and on one of those connections you issue one command followed by another command, it is almost guaranteed that one of the other 999,999 connections will issue a command that, by haappenstance, occurs between the two commands issued on the other connection.

If you have 2 connections to the database and on one of those connections you issue one command followed by another command, it is guaranteed that the other connection may execute a command which is processed between the two commands given on the other connection unless you have taken steps to prevent that from happening.

If you need a guarantee that the two statements are executed side by each with no possibility of something happening in betwixt, then **you** need to ensure that you have guaranteed this.