SQLite Forum



(1) By anonymous on 2020-04-18 20:46:24 [link]

I have an SQL statement 

Database.executeUpdate("UPDATE RequestTable SET SupplyAmt = '"+intreqID1+"' WHERE ID='1-HS'");
 which is supposed to add the number 10 that is in my intreqID1 in my RequestTable in DBBrowser but it does not. How do I make sure that the number shows in the table?

(2) By Simon Slavin (slavin) on 2020-04-18 21:14:00 in reply to 1

If <code>intreqID1</code> is a number you don't need the apostrophes around it.

Can you insert a line into your program that prints out the SQL statement you're trying to execute ?  I want to know whether the correct value is being inserted for <code>intreqID1</code> .

Also can you execute

<code>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RequestTable WHERE ID='1-HS'</code> ?

(3) By Larry Brasfield (LarryBrasfield) on 2020-04-18 21:18:00 in reply to 1 [link]

I'm guessing that you meant to do something resembling the following session:

sqlite> create table r (id int, sa real);
sqlite> insert into r values (1, 1.0);
sqlite> insert into r values (2, 2.0);
sqlite> update r set sa = sa+10 where id=2;
sqlite> select * from r;
id      sa
1       1.0
2       12.0

One problem with what you wrote is that your expression to which SupplyAmt is being set is merely a literal string.  It specifies no arithmetic.  Contrast that with the 4th line in above session screen-scrape.