SQLite Forum

SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 triggers test failure in numcast.test
The test is probably missing a constraint check.

    sqlite-src-3330000$ cat bug.sh 
    make distclean
    ./configure CFLAGS="-DSQLITE_OMIT_UTF16"
    make testfixture
    cd test
    ../testfixture permutations.test extraquick numcast.test
    sqlite-src-3330000$ ./bug.sh 
    rm -f *.lo *.la *.o sqlite3 libsqlite3.la
    ! numcast-utf8.0 expected: [utf8]
    ! numcast-utf8.0 got:      []
    numcast-utf8.1.1... Ok
    numcast-utf8.1.2... Ok
    numcast-utf8.2.1... Ok
    numcast-utf8.2.2... Ok
    numcast-utf8.3.1... Ok
    numcast-utf8.3.2... Ok
    numcast-utf8.4.1... Ok
    numcast-utf8.4.2... Ok
    numcast-utf8.5.1... Ok
    numcast-utf8.5.2... Ok
    numcast-utf8.6.1... Ok
    numcast-utf8.6.2... Ok
    numcast-utf8.7.1... Ok
    numcast-utf8.7.2... Ok
    numcast-utf8.8.1... Ok
    numcast-utf8.8.2... Ok
    ! numcast-utf16le.0 expected: [utf16le]
    ! numcast-utf16le.0 got:      []
    numcast-utf16le.1.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.1.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.2.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.2.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.3.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.3.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.4.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.4.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.5.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.5.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.6.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.6.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.7.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.7.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.8.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16le.8.2... Ok
    ! numcast-utf16be.0 expected: [utf16be]
    ! numcast-utf16be.0 got:      []
    numcast-utf16be.1.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.1.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.2.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.2.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.3.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.3.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.4.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.4.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.5.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.5.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.6.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.6.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.7.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.7.2... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.8.1... Ok
    numcast-utf16be.8.2... Ok
    numcast.test-closeallfiles... Ok
    numcast.test-sharedcachesetting... Ok
    Time: numcast.test 8 ms
    Memory used:          now         24  max      57688  max-size      48000
    Allocation count:     now          1  max         71
    Page-cache used:      now          0  max          0  max-size       1032
    Page-cache overflow:  now          0  max       1032
    SQLite 2020-08-14 13:23:32 fca8dc8b578f215a969cd899336378966156154710873e68b3d9ac5881b0ff3f
    3 errors out of 54 tests on e5-1650 Linux 64-bit little-endian
    !Failures on these tests: numcast-utf8.0 numcast-utf16le.0 numcast-utf16be.0
    All memory allocations freed - no leaks
    Memory used:          now          0  max      57688  max-size      48000
    Allocation count:     now          0  max         71
    Page-cache used:      now          0  max          0  max-size       1032
    Page-cache overflow:  now          0  max       1032
    Maximum memory usage: 57688 bytes
    Current memory usage: 0 bytes
    Number of malloc()  : -1 calls