SQLite Forum

How to use BLOB in C program
[Here is some streaming code.](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnhU14JA-AKe9QvmMBdQUDjThm1e?e=nIi6y7)  Sorry it's not yet documented. It should be somewhat obvious, as it helps implement shell functions described thusly:

.blobextract TABLE COL ROW FILE ?DB?    Extract DB blob into named file.
                         Parameters must specify a blob selected by:
                           SELECT COL FROM DB.table WHERE rowid = ROW
                         FILE may be '-' for extraction to stdout.

.blobreplace TABLE COL ROW FILE ?DB?    Replace DB blob with file content.
                         Otherwise like .blobextract except that FILE must
                         name a readable file. ('-' is not stdin.)