SQLite Forum

URL for downloading latest version
There is no URL for downloading the latest [amalgamation][0].  You have to know
a specific version number to get a pre-built amalgamation.

[0]: https://www.sqlite.org/amalgamation.html

But here are URLs for downloading the canonical source code.  You'll then
have to build your own amalgamation using commands like the following
(depending on your OS):

    ./configure && make sqlite3.c
    nmake /f Makefile.msc sqlite3.c

To get a tarball of the latest official release use:

  *  <https://sqlite.org/src/tarball/sqlite.tar.gz?r=release>

To get a tarball of the latest trunk check-in (for those who like to
live more on the edge):

  *  <https://sqlite.org/src/tarball/sqlite.tar.gz?r=trunk>

Change "`tarball`" to "`zip`" or "`sqlar`" to get a ZIP Archive or an
SQLite archive, respectively, in the links above.  See the Fossil
documentation for the [/tarball][1], [/zip][2], and [/sqlar][3] pages
for additional information.

[1]: https://www.sqlite.org/src/help?cmd=/tarball
[2]: https://www.sqlite.org/src/help?cmd=/zip
[3]: https://www.sqlite.org/src/help?cmd=/sqlar

If you do this a lot, please consider
[cloning the complete SQLite source repository][4]
so that you can update to the latest source code
version using commands like "`fossil up release`".  Doing so will
minimize your bandwidth usage and help reduce the load on the SQLite
website server.  If you don't want to use Fossil, there is also
an official [GitHub mirror][5] for the SQLite source repository.

[4]: https://www.sqlite.org/getthecode.html#clone
[5]: https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite