SQLite Forum

Suggestion to support gzipped text in .import & csv extension

Suggestion to support gzipped text in .import & csv extension

(1) By Víctor (wzrlpy) on 2021-09-20 09:17:35

Dear SQLite maintainers,

As outlined in [this forum post](https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/f32790adf72cbc80?t=h), the gz* functions in zlib can be used to read gzip-compressed text, while still being able to read uncompressed text, and that with minimal modifications in the code.
May you please consider using these gz* functions in the [.import](https://www.sqlite.org/cli.html#importing_csv_files) shell command, and in the [csv extension](https://www.sqlite.org/csv.html)?

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: I am not attaching a patch as I know you rather work your own code :-)