SQLite Forum

Visual Studio Compile Issue
You are going to have to figure out what is going wrong with **your** build. The odds are astronomically against somebody here having seen or posted the same issue.

The Visual Studio IDE build system ultimately just runs the command line compiler, linker, etc. to effect its builds. You can consult the logs to see how those tools were invoked, including the compilation preprocessing flags. You may need to run the compile with those same flags, except with -E or -P to capture preprocessed output. Then you can "compile" that with a -Zs flag (for syntax checking only) to determine where in that largish "source" the first several of **your** errors arise. Then you need to find out why by studying where the complaint-inducing references to undeclared objects are made and where those objects were supposed to be declared. You may do some string searches among .c and .h files for relevant identifiers.

The -E or -P output shows where the #include files were found. You need to ensure that the SQLite libarary files are coming from a single release rather than some strange combination.

You will do well to turn off precompiled headers. That feature speeds compilation wonderfully, but it can get really messed up sometimes.

While I do not like to encourage big error dumps to this forum, or people throwing up their hands and hoping somebody else can sort out ordinarily messed-up build problems, I will say that your errors strongly suggest that the problem is very fundamental. In particular, to see an error, "'Blah': undeclared ...", when compiling the very source in which 'Blah' is declared prior to use, indicates to me that the examination of preprocessed output is due. The objects complained of that I checked are declared and used within preprocessor conditionals. Those declarations and usages appear to have coordinated conditions, suggesting that some cross-release source mixing is occurring.