SQLite Forum

How to rerank one row in a big set of rows?
Python code to maintain an Ordered Table:


def OpenRowid(db, table, rowid, count=1):
    if count < 1:
        raise ValueError('Count must be >= 1')
    if db.cursor().execute(OpenRowid.test.format(table=table), (rowid, count)).fetchone()[0] != 0:
        db.cursor().execute(OpenRowid.sql.format(table=table), (rowid, count))

def RenumberTable(db, table):

OpenRowid.test = '''
select count(*)
  from {table}
 where _rowid_ >= ?1
   and _rowid_ < ?1 + ?2

OpenRowid.sql = '''
insert into {table}
     select *
       from {table}
      where _rowid_ >= ?
   order by _rowid_ desc
on conflict (_rowid_) do update
        set _rowid_ = excluded._rowid_ + ?;

RenumberTable.sql = '''
begin immediate;

-- make sure we have the correct temporary table r

drop table if exists temp.r
create temporary table if not exists r
   old primary key,
without rowid

-- for all _rowid_ > 0 compute new _rowid_ to close gaps

insert into temp.r
     select _rowid_ as old,
            row_number() over (order by _rowid_) as new
       from {table}
      where _rowid_ > 0
   order by _rowid_

-- apply _rowid_ updates in ascending order of _rowid_ (move _rowid_ down)

insert into {table}
     select *
       from {table}
      where _rowid_ in (
                        select old
                          from temp.r
                         where old != new
   order by _rowid_
on conflict (_rowid_) do update
        set _rowid_ = (
                       select new
                         from temp.r
                        where old == excluded._rowid_

-- clear temporary table

delete from temp.r;

-- for _rowid_ > 0 compute offset _rowid_ so rows with _rowid_ < 1 can be moved into place

insert into r
     select _rowid_ as old,
            row_number() over (order by _rowid_) + (select count(*) from {table} where _rowid_ < 1) as new
       from {table}
      where _rowid_ > 0
   order by _rowid_

-- apply _rowid_ updates in descending order of _rowid_ (move _rowid_ up)

insert into {table}
     select *
      from {table}
     where _rowid_ in (
                       select old
                         from temp.r
                        where old != new
   order by _rowid_ desc
on conflict (_rowid_) do update
        set _rowid_ = (
                       select new
                         from temp.r
                        where old == excluded._rowid_

-- clear temporary table

delete from temp.r;

-- compute final _rowid_ for rows with _rowid_ < 1

insert into temp.r
     select _rowid_ as old,
            row_number() over (order by _rowid_) as new
       from {table}
      where _rowid_ < 1
   order by _rowid_

-- apply _rowid_ updates in descending order of _rowid_ (move _rowid_ up)

insert into {table}
     select *
       from {table}
      where _rowid_ in (
                        select old
                          from temp.r
                         where old != new
   order by _rowid_ desc
on conflict (_rowid_) do update
        set _rowid_ = (
                       select new
                         from temp.r
                        where old == excluded._rowid_

-- clean up our temporary table

drop table if exists temp.r;

-- commit our transaction


if __name__ == '__main__':
    import apsw
    db = apsw.Connection()
    db.cursor().execute('create table x(id integer primary key, v integer);')
    db.cursor().execute('insert into x select value*10, value from generate_series where start=1 and stop=10;')
    db.cursor().execute('insert into x select -(value-1)*10, -value from generate_series where start=1 and stop=10;')
    db.cursor().execute('delete from x where id=50;')
    db.cursor().execute('delete from x where id=-30;')
    for row in db.cursor().execute('select * from x;'):
    RenumberTable(db, 'x')
    for row in db.cursor().execute('select * from x;'):
    OpenRowid(db, 'x', 3)
    OpenRowid(db, 'x', -4)
    for row in db.cursor().execute('select * from x;'):
    db.cursor().execute('insert into x values (3, 103);')
    db.cursor().execute('insert into x values (-4, -104);')
    for row in db.cursor().execute('select * from x;'):
    RenumberTable(db, 'x')
    for row in db.cursor().execute('select * from x;'):