SQLite Forum

Please avoid all use of the "LL" suffix for long-long integer literals
> There isn't enough disk free to install later versions.

Two suggestions:

1. Switch to the Ubuntu-hosted [MinGW cross-compiler](https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mingw-w64).

2. Install the [Build Tools](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/#build-tools-for-visual-studio-2019) package, which is the command-line only version of VC++. To replace the IDE bits, you could run whatever text editor you like on the Ubuntu side, then Alt-Tab over to the VM to build.

> I can always fix those 4 lines manually from time to time.

Better, [clone the SQLite source repo](https://sqlite.org/src/), make your changes, then commit the changes to a branch. Then you simply pull the upstream changes from time to time and merge them into your branch:

``` shell
$ fossil clone https://sqlite.org/src/sqlite3     # needs Fossil 2.14+
$ cd sqlite3
$ vi src/whatever.c                               # make your changes
$ ./configure && make sqlite3.c                   # test it
$ fossil set autosync pullonly                    # needed once only
$ fossil ci --branch my-special-version -m "initial version commit message"

Then later, automatically merge your changes into the current version:

``` shell
$ fossil merge trunk                              # pull upstream & merge
$ make sqlite3.c                                  # test again
$ fossil ci -m "updated to latest upstream"       # commit once happy

This will work automatically as long as the upstream version doesn't also change your changed lines, or anything sufficiently close to them. If you get a merge conflict, you can do the manual merge once, then probably be fine for years again.