SQLite Forum

Integrated user management for a group of repositories
How would you set up the dependency graph?

```pikchr indent
box "Fossil forum" fit
arrow 50%
box "Fossil SCM" fit
arrow 50%
box "SQLite forum" fit
arrow 50%
box "SQLite proper" fit

That means santified entities like drh can log in anywhere with [all capabilities][1] because he has [the all-powerful Setup capability][2] on the `sqlite.org/src` repo. It would also mean that lesser beings like you and I can log into the Fossil forum because we have a login here on *this* forum.

But hark! Now we have new problems:

1. Just because we have a login on the SQLite forum, we have rights on the Fossil SCM code repo? Really??

2. I have more rights on the Fossil SCM repo than here on this forum, and a different set of extended rights on the Fossil forum. I believe login groups allows user shadowing, so I could have independent logins with different capabilities while you get a single login everywhere, but it does at least go to show that we're not going to end up with "one login everywhere" regardless.

We have to fix problem #1, though. That one's fatal. Let's try again:

``` pikchr indent
    box "Fossil forum" fit
    arrow 50%
    box "SQLite forum" fit
    arrow 50%
SP: box "SQLite proper" fit
FS: box "Fossil SCM" fit at .5 above SP
    arrow from FS.s to SP.n

Now we're saying that the likes of drh get a login on the Fossil SCM repo and all the forums, but we've fixed problem #1 by requiring that those who have a login on the Fossil SCM repo but not on SQLite's own source repo (like me) must sign up separately there.

But hark! There's at least one new problem: why don't people like me get a login on the Fossil forum delegated from the Fossil SCM repo? [It appears][3] that the feature only allows you to set up a single delegation per repository; you can't make the Fossil forum repo delegate to both the SQLite forum and Fossil SCM source repos, so that members of either get a login on the Fossil forum repo as well.

…And I haven't even *tried* to figure out where the combined Pikchr source/forum repo fits into any of this. Which single delegation should it declare, and why?

[1]: https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/caps/
[2]: https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/caps/admin-v-setup.md#apsu
[3]: https://fossil-scm.org/home/file?name=src/login.c&ln=2055-2064